After pressure from far-right religious extremists (including many in Congress) that Miers wasn’t fascist enough for the Supreme Court, Bush has nominated Samuel Alito, nicknamed “Scalito” for his ideological and judicial similarities with Justice Scalia. Just looking at Alito’s track record brings to life that “the Bush regime is setting out to radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come.” In Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1991), Alito wrote a dissenting opinion arguing that states could require women to notify their husbands before having an abortion (can anyone say “family, home, country”?). Alito has also decided against affirmative action, late-term abortion, and women’s rights.
If “Scalito’s” far-right views at a time when the right to abortion, among other important rights (like not being tortured by the US military) hang in the balance aren’t enough, what’s worse is how his nomination came about. Religious fanatics and right-wing pundits whipped up their followers into a frenzy, and far-right Republican Congressmen cast doubts about Miers’ “credentials.” Let’s be clear. These people don’t care about credentials (exhibit A: President Bush). They want a judiciary that falls in line behind the fascist direction the Bush regime is taking us, and will not let up until they get their way (i.e. the threat to stop the filibuster and the “Justice Sunday” rallies).
And where are the Democrats? Why is the argument over the Supreme Court nominee coming from the (far)-right? Why are the terms of debate being set as who’s guaranteed to rule against the right to choose?
More importantly, what will you do to stop this? “That which you do not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn – or be forced – to accept.”
The World Can’t Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime! Mobilize November 2nd!