October 31, 2005
For Immediate Release
Contact: Connie Julian, 917-449-9064
Nationwide actions on November 2 NYC: UNION SQUARE — NOON
On November 2, in 67 cities, 43 colleges and universities, and 90 high schools (at last count), people are walking out of school and work and demonstrating to drive out the Bush regime.
A battle is brewing over high school students walking out in schools through out New York City. Clergy and lawyers are monitoring the situation on behalf of the students. At 3pm today, Hot 97 refused to run a paid ad for November 2 created by Boots Riley of The Coup, that was to have run beginning this afternoon as high school kids were getting out of school.
To hear the ad:
Organizer Sunsara Taylor: "The refusal of Hot97 to air our ads for November 2nd shows even more urgently the need for thousands to pour into the streets on Wednesday to break open the political atmosphere and take a big step towards forcing the Bush regime to step down."
Well known artists and intellectuals have endorsed November 2, such as Harold Pinter, Jane Fonda, Kurt Vonnegut, Alice Walker, Eve Ensler, Gore Vidal, Richard Serra, Cindy Sheehan, Howard Zinn, Michael Eric Dyson, Russell Banks and Cornel West.
The Miers withdrawal, Libby’s indictment, US torture policy, the ongoing bloodbath in Iraq, Bush’s nomination of extreme-right wing Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. ("Scalito") to the Supreme Court – these rapidly cascading developments show this regime is determined to "radically remake society very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come," as the World Cant’ Wait Call says. All this underscores that there’s NEVER been a regime like this in the U.S. And World Can’t Wait is unprecedented in the U.S. and historic: a movement aimed – not at this or that policy – but directly at driving out a regime. November 2 is history in the making.
NEW YORK: Rally 12pm at Union Square (14th Street). At the rally, an important announcement from organizers will be made about next steps in movement to Drive Out the Bush Regime. For interviews call 917-449-9064.
Speakers at NYC rally include: Ann Wright-former State Dept. official, Michael Ratner-CCR, Jeremy Scahill-journalist, Rev. Luis Barrios- St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Jodie Evans-Code Pink, Rev. Earl Kooperkamp-St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Lynne Stewart-Criminal Defense Attorney, Tom Duane- New York State Senator, Still We Rise Coalition, Esther Kaplan-
author "With God on Our Side"
List of Schools walking out in NYC: