October 30, 2005
CONTACT: Connie Julian (917) 449-9064
November 2, Launches a National Movement to Drive Out the Bush Regime.
No School, No Work
On the first anniversary of Bush’s "re-election," a new movement is being born across the country with a single, practical objective: to drive out the Bush regime and its program of war, torture and theocracy. On November 2, people in 185 cites and campuses (at last count) will walk out of school and work and demonstration in city and town centers.
As criminal indictments come down in DC, as the 2000th US soldier dies, as Bush demands legal permission to torture, the World Can’t Wait–Drive Out the Bush Regime launches a nationwide repudiation of the regime in the streets.
— A World Can’t Wait encampment outside the White House is counting down to November 2; people at the encampment were arrested with Cindy Sheehan demanding an immediate end to the war and occupation of Iraq.
–Students wearing orange Guantanamo jumpsuits and bags over their heads demanding an end to torture are showing up on campuses nationwide; at UC Berkeley students disrupted the class of Prof John Yoo, author of the Bush Regime’s torture policy.
— Radio ads are playing on Air America and other stations, created by Ozomatli, Boots Riley (The Coup), Culture Clash, Suheir Hammad, Michael Eric Dyson, and Howard Zinn.
"Soon all the pent-up anger and outrage will come together — Black people betrayed in the Katrina debacle, women who won’t give up abortion, immigrants demonized and rounded up the majority of decent people who are deeply alarmed by a regime that is waging an unending war based on lies, suppressing dissent and science, and turning the US into a nation of torturers," said Sunsara Taylor, an initiator of World Can’t Wait.
Signers of The World Can’t Wait — Drive Out the Bush Regime Call include Cindy Sheehan, former US-career diplomat Ann Wright, musicians Tom Morello, Rickie Lee Jones, Anti-Flag, Steve Earle, actors Ed Begley Jr. and Edward Asner, historian Howard Zinn, authors Jonathan Kozol, Larry Everest, Gore Vidal, Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, and Studs Terkel, SF Board of Supervisor Tom Ammiano, NY State Sen. Tom Duane, the Hip Hop Caucus, Not In Our Name, Act Up NYC, Campus Anti-War Network, Code Pink, After Downing Street Coalition, Progressive Democrats of America, and many more organizations.