February 20
SUDANESE COMMUNIST PARTY DECLARED OPPOSITION TO FORMATION OF 2 RIVAL GOVERNMENTS, asserting neither the army nor the RSF are qualified to govern the country. Salih Mahmoud, Communist Party foreign relations secy, met with Mohamed Ibn Chambas, head of AU’s High-Level Implementation Panel. Mahmoud presented Chambas with the party’s position, which rejects establishment of separate governments in Pt Sudan and RSF-controlled areas, citing the lack of legitimacy of both. He argued that any such governments would be de facto authorities, lacking popular and constitutional support and neither the army nor RSF and allies is entitled to determine the fate of the Sudanese people. The party informed AU of its rejection of future military rule in Sudan, highlighting the army’s nearly 60-year history of governance, role in the current war, and mismanagement of the country’s resources. He criticized the army’s alignment with foreign powers, which would transform Sudan into a battleground for external conflicts, particularly after the agreement to establish a Russian naval base on the Red Sea coast. He called AU to prevent arms shipments into the country, unify international and domestic initiatives to stop the war and strengthen its role at the UN to counter previous resolutions. The party’s vision included combating impunity, pursuing justice for war crimes, and forming a broad front of all active forces to oppose the war: “We informed the head of the African mechanism that the Communist Party will not sit with any party biased towards either side of the war. We will not sit with political blocs, but with individual parties on a bilateral basis.” The Communist Party is prepared to participate in AU activities to express its views. Sudan Tribune
February 19
EMERGENCY LAWYERS: ARMY EXECUTING MORE PEOPLE IN KHARTOUM. ….targeting and liquidating civilians in E Khartoum/Bahri….summary executions, arbitrary detentions and enforced disappearances in Sharg El Nil…. SAF retook control of most of Khartoum N/Khartoum Bahri. The targeting is mainly based on lists with names of people on social media. The posts contain “unsubstantiated charges related to cooperation with RSF….based on unreliable suspicions which target innocent people, have led to an escalation of violence and threatens the stability of society and human rights. The absence of any effective legal measures opens the way for those responsible…to escape punishment. Firm legal measures need to be taken to prosecute the instigators and punish those who carried out these crimes.” Emergency Lawyers called on the international community “to conduct an immediate and independent investigation and ensure a fair trial for those responsible….Summary executions and arbitrary detentions of people, in particular young volunteers helping out the needy, suspected of ‘cooperating with the enemy’ have been reported since the start of the war. SAF MI and RSF have been carrying out these illegal actions, often on an ethnic basis. In Oct, after SAF and El Baraa bin Malik militia fighting alongside the army entered Halfaya in Khartoum N from Omdurman, 70 young people volunteering in takaya/soup kitchen were accused of cooperating with RSF and shot dead. Last month, after the army had retaken Wad Madani, alarming footage circulated showing army soldiers and allied forces carrying out killings and torturing people in areas previously controlled by RSF. UN High Comm for Human Rights Türk was deeply alarmed by reports of extrajudicial killings in 7 incidents in Khartoum N/Bahri, and reiterated call for “immediate end to such attacks”. UN Secy-Gen Guterres strongly condemned summary executions of civilians in Khartoum/Bahri, allegedly by fighters and militia allied to SAF. Dabanga
MANY CIVILIANS WELCOMING ARMY AS LIBERATOR….But activists say both sides are increasingly resorting to brutal tactics. “the city is besieged…the only way out is west to Darfur, but this route is targeted by army drones and fighter jets,” said Augreis, humanitarian volunteer. “Many families have been killed trying to get out this way.” RSF confiscated people’s land and houses after expelling Indigenous communities. In the wake of army advances in Khartoum N and Omdurman…thousands of RSF fighters abandoned homes they occupied and fled to Darfur. Montasser, relief worker, told Al Jazeera many displaced people are gradually returning to their homes in Omdurman, jubilant that the army kicked the RSF out. He noted many remain displaced because their homes and sometimes entire neighbourhoods were significantly damaged or destroyed: “Many lost their homes and everything inside their homes was looted. …there is no water or electricity in their neighbourhoods and no internet…the army in some cases still has to clear corpses from the streets.” The army reportedly targets local relief workers, medics and people who they perceive from western or southern Sudan. Hundreds of thousands of people from western or southern tribes were born and raised in Khartoum after their parents fled devastating wars in So Sudan, Nuba Mtns and Darfur. “The fear on many people’s faces is very obvious. Yes, they were born here, but they have the feeling this place is not theirs. If you are from the north or east, you feel more entitled to Khartoum right now.” She explained that many quickly fled or prepared to flee Khartoum after they saw the army commit massacres and ethnic cleansing in Wad Madani, capital of Gezira, Sudan’s breadbasket.
WAR ENTERED NEW PHASE FOLLOWING ARMY BREAKTHROUGH IN CENTRAL OMDURMAN. The breakthrough relieves the 10-month siege of a military district, Corps of Engineers, the army’s first major offensive success. Supply trucks and reinforcements immediately began traveling south into the long-besieged military district, effectively ending the RSF threat, at least for now. The breakthrough severs the connection between RSF in Ombada and Old Omdurman. Attempts by the army to eradicate RSF resistance in this part of the city could represent the next phase of the Battle of Omdurman. The area is now completely cut off except by river. Shambat Bridge was destroyed in Nov in a presumed act of sabotage. RSF remain in control of large parts of west and south Omdurman and Ombada. RSF are threatening to expand

the war into new parts of the country. In order to regain the initiative, they may attack in Sennar, White Nile, or somewhere unexpected like Kassala or Dongala. Sudan’s economy has largely collapsed as a result of the war, with millions out of work and homeless. Downtown government and business districts ofKhartoum are gutted and abandoned. Farming in many areas has ceased or was interrupted. The central government retreated to Pt Sudan. What little budget it has left it spends on military equipment and operations. It has few international allies. Eritrea and Iran emerged as its main military backers, while Egypt, in spite of its historical ties with the Sudanese army, has not intervened. Sudan War Monitor
UN EXPRESSED DEEP CONCERN OVER REPORTS THAT RSF ARE PLANNING TO DECLARE PARALLEL GOVERNMENT, warning that such a move would escalate the conflict and fracture the country. Spokesman Dujarric: “rather extensive reports about the anticipated announcement by RSF…to establish a parallel government or a parallel governing body. We’re very deeply concerned about any further escalation of the conflict and any steps like this one, which would increase fragmentation of the country and risk making this crisis even worse.” RSF and allied groups are expected to announce a parallel government at a meeting in Kenya. He highlighted the dire humanitarian situation, citing reports of famine and ongoing violence. “For us, preserving the unity of Sudan, the sovereignty and territorial integrity remains a key ingredient for a sustainable resolution of the conflict and long-term stability of the country in the wider region” Sudan Tribune
CONFERENCE IN NAIROBI AIMED AT FORMING CIVILIAN GOVERNMENT IN AREAS CONTROLLED BY RSF SPARKED STRONG REACTIONS from Sudanese officials and political groups. The gathering…brought together key figures, including SPLM-N El Hilu, RSF Dep Comm Abdelrahim Dagalo, and Sudan Revolutionary Front Chairman Idris who leads the newly formed opposing faction of Tagadom. The Foreign Min condemned Kenya for hosting the conference, calling it a “violation of Sudan’s sovereignty”. …that Kenya was aiding RSF despite its “ongoing crimes of genocide” and that such actions fuel further atrocities. Lt Gen El Atta dismissed the initiative: “We will fight anyone attempting to establish a parallel government.” SLM Minawi described the conference as a “dangerous precedent,” it could destabilise the region. The group urged AU, IGAD, UN and EU to intervene. El Hilu defended the conference, saying it aims to “end exploitation of religion, race and tribe in armed conflicts” and establish a new constitution. He called for support against Sudan’s ruling authority in Pt Sudan. Leaders of FFC-CC, now part of newly formed Sumoud, are in talks with SAF to find a peaceful resolution. Sumoud was launched 11 Feb, following a split in Tagadom over forming a government in exile. The opposing Tagadom faction is now led by Idris. Dabanga
REBELS KILLED HUNDREDS IN 3-DAY ASSAULT IN WHITE NILE STATE….The attacks on villages near al-Gitaina by RSF killed 200 people, Emergency Lawyers: “Field executions, abductions, forced disappearances and lootings” were carried out. Some victims drowned after being shot at while trying to flee across the Nile”. Min of Foreign Affairs said the number of victims had “reached 433 people, including infants”. A resident…described RSF fighters on motorbikes fanned out, opening fire on people in the streets and inside homes. The attacks come as Sudan’s government gained ground against the RSF in and around the capital. Turkiye’s Anadolu news agency reported Sudan’s army now controls most areas in southern-central Khartoum. UN Human Rights Office warned that “entrenched impunity” is prompting gross human rights violations and abuse…as fighting spreads to new areas. The office warned that civilian death toll continues to rise as hostilities…sharply escalate, and called for broader international effort towards accountability and stem the flow of arms. “The continued and deliberate attacks on civilians and civilian objects, as well as summary executions, sexual violence and other violations and abuses, underscore the utter failure by both parties to respect the rules and principles of international humanitarian and human rights law,” UN High Comm for Human Rights Turk. Al Jazeera
EL BURHAN DENIED COMMUNICATING WITH FFC AND STRESSED “SUDANESE PEOPLE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY GOVERNMENT…IMPOSED ON THEM.” Tagadom will reportedly sign a charter with political groups and RSF…. “We have no contact with any party except combatants [fighting the RSF]. We will not sit with [politicians] unless they return…and participate in the ongoing fighting.” Leaders of mainstream FFC who joined newly formed Sumoud spoke…about continued communication with army command to reach a way out of the ongoing war. FFC-CC was one of the driving powers behind ousting Al Bashir and agreed with the military to form a civilian-led government led by Hamdok... Sumoud/resilience was announced a day after Tagadom* split into 2 camps over formation of a government in exile. “The internal division has been brewing…how to counter the legitimacy of the SAF-led government in Pt Sudan,” Sudan War Monitor. “Proponents of the government-in-exile argued a parallel civilian administration would provide a legitimate alternative to the junta. However, critics within Taqaddum warned that a rival government would undermine the coalition’s neutrality and complicate diplomatic efforts to end the war.” The newly formed Sumoud chose Hamdok as chair. El Burhan repeated his rejection…to the suggestion made by certain countries to have Hamdok. Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue called for by the African High-Level Mechanism are scheduled to start in Addis Ababa. El Burhan scorned the conference…at the initiative of UAE….“an attempt to whitewash the parties supporting the aggressors against the Sudanese people”, pointing to UAE’s military support to the RSF. A representative of RSF will sign the charter alongside… political forces and armed rebel movements: “The intended government will be announced…after the charter is signed within Sudan. …the charter should be signed abroad first to ensure international and regional presence. After forming the government, will set up a unified army to protect civilians”. *Civil Democratic Forces Alliance, better known by Tagadom/progress was founded in 2023 by mainstream FFC and pro-democracy groups. Former PM Hamdok was elected chair. Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party and Communist Party of Sudan were not part of the alliance.
ARMY REJECTED CEASEFIRE CALL BY UAE DURING COMING HOLY MONTH OF RAMADAN. This comes as the army makes major advancements in the capital, and seized control of a key stronghold held by RSF in N Khartoum. Sudan’s army considers UAE an aggressor of the war…linked it to the RSF as main financier and supplier of weapons. Rédaction Africanews
DELEGATION FROM JEM ARRIVED IN WADI SAIDNA MILITARY AREA, OMDURMAN, with other leaders from the Juba Peace movements, and met with army leaders including Asst Comm-in-Chief Al-Atta. This appears to be one of the first practical steps taken by JEM to assist the SAF militarily. The development coincides with political efforts by military junta to mobilize ex-rebel groups toward frontlines, including elements of JEM and the SLM, and SPLA-N Agar, which is mobilizing toward the Gezira-Sennar frontline. Sudan War Monitor
3RD CONVOY CARRYING INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS LEFT GADARIF TO RETURN TO THEIR ORIGINAL AREAS they were forced to leave when the RSF occupied the state. The voluntary repatriation has been sponsored by Zakat Chamber in Gadarif in collaboration with private companies and philanthropists. The convoy was composed of 30 buses while the 2nd convoy was composed of 46 ….6120 people have been assisted to return to their home areas, mostly in al-Gezira State, from Pt Sudan during the last few days. Gadarif Gov Hassan said…the state would continue organising return trips for displaced people. Millions of people fled war-affected areas and relocated to other relatively safe areas, mostly east states Gadarif, Kassala and Red Sea. Al Taghyeer
UN SEEKING $6 BILLION FROM INTERNATIONAL DONORS TO HELP EASE SUFFERING IN ONE OF THE MOST DEVASTATING CRISES OF OUR TIMES, characterized by mass displacement and growing famine. The appeal represents a rise of 40% from last year…when aid budgets around the world are under increasing strain, partly due to a pause in funding announced by Trump that has affected life-saving programs across the globe. UN says the funds are necessary because the impact of the 22-month war…displaced 1/5th of its population and stoked severe hunger among 1/2 ….UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Fletcher: “Famine is taking hold. An epidemic of sexual violence rages. Children are being killed and injured. The suffering is appalling.”… While some aid agencies received waivers from Washington to provide aid, uncertainty remains on the extent of coverage for providing famine relief. The plan aims to reach 21 million people within the country, making it the most ambitious humanitarian response so far for 2025. Al Arabiya
February 16
RSF ESCALATES ATTACKS ON ZAMZAM REFUGEE CAMP. Residents and medics said RSF attacked the camp, which it surrounded 3 times within a week. Stephane Dujarric, UN, said the renewed fighting included…heavy weapons and urged warring parties to stop the violence. RSF is…trying to tighten its grip on its Darfur stronghold, losing ground to SAF in Khartoum. 22 months since the war erupted…the paramilitary group still controls most of Darfur…and much of neighbouring Kordofan. The army controls Sudan’s north and east and recently made crucial gains in Khartoum. Zamzam houses 500,000 people displaced by fighting in this and past wars in Darfur, while el-Fasher is home to 1.8m people and last significant holdout against the RSF. RSF has been besieging the area for months, claiming the camp is a base for the Joint Forces, former rebel groups now fighting alongside the army. Some residents burrowed holes into the ground for shelter and protection, fearing constant attacks…. “they terrorise, steal and kill…people hide in these holes when they are firing and…raiding, because there is nowhere else to flee,” a resident told Reuters. UN humanitarian official Nkweta-Salami was “shocked by the attacks on Zamzam IDP camp and the blockages of escape routes”. RSF has restricted aid efforts to the camp. In Aug, a UN report found it plausible that parts of N Darfur especially Zamzam Camp are experiencing the worst form of hunger, IPC Phase 5…which indicates that 1 in 5 people or households severely lack food and face starvation and destitution, which would lead to critical acute malnutrition and death. After the latest violence, MSF had to stop a nutrition programme for 6,000 malnourished children….the group announced that the proportion of the children who were malnourished had risen to 34% a similar level to nearby Tawila, to which many fled from RSF attacks. Secy-Gen Guterres described the situation as a catastrophe on a “staggering scale and brutality. We must do more and do more now to help the people of Sudan out of this nightmare,” calling on world leaders to use their influence for peace and boost humanitarian aid efforts before the holy month of Ramadan, which begins in about 10 days. Al Jazeera
SAF ADVANCE IN KHARTOUM….towards the Republican Palace, indicating the army has taken control of a number of buildings surrounding the palace. The army took control of parts of Sajana. SAF confirmed control over residential block 9, El Nour Islamic Complex, Bahri Thermal Power Plant, while they advance into blocks 6, 2 and 11 and former hqs of Ops Auth, currently RSF command hqs. In E Nile, the army advanced in…Haj Youssef, and battles continued in E Soba,…continued in southern axis of Khartoum. The forces seek to control strategic Soba Bridge to separate RSF positions in E Nile from Khartoum, and penetrate deep into areas controlled by RSF. Emergency Lawyers said neighbourhoods of E Nile are exposed to waves of violence,…dozens of civilian casualties including dead and wounded amid systematic violations committed by RSF….6 civilians were killed last night…as a result of random shooting. It pointed out arbitrary arrests, kidnapping for ransom and looting markets, homes and public facilities. Neighbourhoods are subjected to random shelling, amid a complete power, water and communications blackout and complete shutdown of bakeries and food outlets. In N White Nile State, SAF took control of the oil pumping station, Naima, El Qarasa and Wad Shala’i. The forces aim to control Jebel Awlya Reservoir and separate RSF contingents in Khartoum and Omdurman. Dabanga
February 15
ARMY RETAKES MORE OF KHARTOUM…MAKES GAINS IN CAPITAL AS PARAMILITARIES RETAIN KEY POSITIONS….captured a major bridge connecting east Khartoum to the south, days after it reclaimed control of its north. RSF still controls some key positions including the central market, presidential palace and some southern and western residential districts. It holds parts of central Kordofan, most of the west of Darfur, and is besieging the army and allies in el-Fashir, N Darfur. Sudan’s regional neighbours want the conflict to end,” Mohamed Vall, reporting from Sennar. “Peace efforts were made in Jeddah, Cairo, Addis Ababa, Geneva and elsewhere. But all have so far failed. Both the RSF and the army say they’re ready to talk but with…conditions unacceptable to the other side. Both still believe they can achieve total victory on the battlefield.” Al Jazeera
CIVIL DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE FOR REVOLUTION FORCES/SUMOOD called African Peace & Security Council to…guarantee delivery of humanitarian assistance, protect civilians through effective measures and strictly monitor mechanisms as well as agreement on immediate ceasefire. Led by former PM Hamdok, Sumood is a new civilian coalition comprising political groups and professional associations that opposed establishment of a government in areas controlled by RSF parallel to the army-supported government in Pt Sudan. The message detailed the catastrophic humanitarian situation…amid escalating violations, crises of displacement, hunger and destruction of infrastructure. Sumood called the Council to take crucial decisions…including highlighting the war tragedy in Sudan to the world and…make it a priority in the international agenda as it poses a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. It called for launching civil dialogue to outline a framework for a comprehensive peace that will treat the root causes of the crisis. Sumood underscored that the regime is not legal since the coup led by al-Burhan in 2021, stressing that de-freezing suspension of membership within the AU should be conditional with…actual progress in ending the war and attaining peace…leading to civilian democratic transition. Al Taghyeer
February 13
TENS OF THOUSANDS GO HUNGRY IN SUDAN AFTER TRUMP AID FREEZE. For the first time time in nearly 2 years, soup kitchens…are forced to turn people away, with Trump’s aid freeze gutting life-saving schemes. “People will die because of these decisions,” fundraising volunteer who has been scrambling to find money to feed tens of thousands of people in Khartoum. “We have 40 kitchens across the country feeding 30,000-35,000 people every day,” another volunteer told AFP, saying all of them closed after Trump announced…dismantling USAID. “Women and children are being turned away and we can’t promise them when we can feed them again”. In much of Sudan, community-run soup kitchens are the only thing preventing mass starvation and many rely on US funding. “The…decision to withdraw funding in this abrupt manner has life-ending consequences,” Javid Abdelmoneim, Doctors Without Borders…Omdurman. “This is yet another disaster for people in Sudan, already suffering the consequences of violence, hunger, collapse of the healthcare system and woeful international humanitarian response.” In what the UN decried a global state of confusion, agencies on the ground have been forced to halt essential food, shelter and health operations. “All official communications have gone dark,” another aid coordinator said after USAID workers were put on leave. The kitchens that survived “are stretching resources and sharing as much as they can, …But there’s just not enough to go around.” MSF had been fielding requests from local responders to quickly step in: “MSF can’t fill the gap left by US funding withdrawal.” US was the largest single donor to Sudan last year, contributing $800m or 46% of funds. UN estimates it has less than 6% of humanitarian funding needed for Sudan in 2025. Famine is expected to spread to 5 more areas before the upcoming rainy season is likely to make access to food…more difficult. The hunger crisis is already much worse than figures show…with a lack of access to data preventing official famine declarations….US-funded early warning system for famines, FEWS Net, has gone offline. According to several volunteers, aid agencies had already distributed millions worth of food, healthcare and shelter assistance based on US funding pledges when Trump cut operations. “That means some local response is already paid for. The fear is what’s coming next. They have the money now, but what about next month?” Volunteers in soup kitchens are burning through their last few weeks of funding terrified of what will happen when it runs out: “It was already not enough, but at least people were getting something. Now things are going from bad to worse. People are malnourished, pregnant women are dying for lack of healthcare, there’s no semblance of life anymore.” The New Arab
February 12
SUDAN SEEKS TO END SUSPENSION FROM AU. Sudanese officials have been holding sideline meetings with African officials during the summit to discuss the suspended membership. Sudan has been absent from the AU for the 4th year due to the suspension. Sudanese government has given assurances it will appoint a PM and transfer power to a civilian government before the end of Feb in order to meet the conditions set by the AU for lifting the suspension. Sudan Tribune
WAR RAGES IN N DARFUR CAPITAL – 8000 FAMILIES DISPLACED. Zamzam Camp for displaced people in El Fasher is under renewed attack from RSF….this attack is considered the 10th in this camp, crowded with a mix of old and newly displaced people. Gov Minawi…called on UN and AU and supporters to raise their voices stop these violations. SAF warplanes continued bombing of areas controlled by RSF, while RSF renewed artillery bombardment….Intl Org for Migration revealed displacement of 8,000 families from Saloma and neighbouring villages of El Fasher. Several parties accused RSF of burning homes during the attack. Joint Force of Armed Movements estimated the attacks at more than 180. Shangil Tobaya Emergency Rm in N Darfur revealed the displacement of 3,000 families from 7 villages in the northeast. It explained…that displaced people arrived inside Shangil Tobaya in harsh conditions. Dabanga
EVIDENCE OBTAINED BY MIDDLE EAST EYE SHED LIGHT ON ATROCITIES COMMITTED BY SAF AND RSF AGAINST KANABI OF AL JAZIRA. Sudan’s war…exacerbated the discrimination marginalised agricultural workers faced for over a century, with the community saying they have twice paid the price for the ongoing power struggle….When RSF swept through al-Jazira, the Kanabi were singled out….Jan 2025, militias allied to the army killed members of the poor farming group after seizing Wad Madani….tortured them, burned their houses and chased them from their homes. Kanab settlements were set up by migrant agricultural workers who moved from west and…so Sudan in waves from the end of the 19th C. Multiple eyewitnesses told MEE men wearing army uniforms killed dozens, injuring and torturing others and making them dig their own mass graves. As the army and allied militias swept through the state, militia fighters undertook…revenge attacks on 50 villages…accused of collaborating with RSF. Southern Sudanese people were among those killed, prompting widespread protests…and reprisal killings of people who fled their country to seek refuge across the border. …violence spread to revenge attacks in other camps….Dozens of farm workers were killed: “Our people…have been subjected to different kinds of violations, by both RSF in the beginning then SAF. RSF forced the Kanabi to be recruited into the RSF. Others were attracted by the money or by promises that they would be given confiscated farmland. We were happy the SAF liberated the state, but SAF-allied militias practised the same or maybe worse crimes and atrocities among our people.”
AU BRANDED SUDAN CIVIL WAR WORST HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN THE WORLD…leaving hundreds of thousands of children malnourished. It “hampered access to humanitarian relief, led to shortage of food and aggravated hunger,” Ibn Chambas, AU: “Children and women are continually abused, and the elderly and sick lack medical assistance.” A senior AU official for child welfare, Almeida Adao, said…hospital admissions for malnutrition rose by 44% in 2024, with 431,000 children receiving treatment: “We witness reports of grave violations, attacks on schools and hospitals, forced recruitment of child soldiers and denial of humanitarian access. …only political dialogue, not the military option, can end this war.” The New Arab
TAGADOM ANNOUNCED SPLITTING INTO 2 POLITICAL ALLIANCES following differences over establishment of civilian government in areas controlled by RSF. Each group, supporters and opponents, will work separately. Last Dec RSF announced that 3 ex-members of the Sudan Sovereign Council, who are members of Tagadom, agreed to participate in a planned government in territories it controlled. Al Taghyeer
February 10
VOLUNTEERS CAUGHT IN CROSSFIRE: DEATH OR ARREST…ANOTHER UGLY FACE OF THE WAR. Volunteers and activists are coming under fire from warring parties…security services on both sides. Volunteers who serve communities in conflict-affected areas are known for dedication and resilience risking their lives and freedoms. Some have been killed by indiscriminate bombardment.…death of volunteers,
men and women, in air strikes by the army or shelling by RSF or food shortage and lack of medical care. Last week, army intelligence arrested renowned volunteer Momin Wad Zainab in Omdurman. Communal Kitchens, which provide free meals for thousands of families and hospitals. …Volunteer Sadiq Hayder died in RSF shelling against al-Nao Hosp, Omdurman, volunteer Abdul Rahman al-Fatih was shot dead by RSF, volunteer Ms. Saadia died in an IDP camp. RSF arrested volunteer Hatim al-Daw, Janoub al-Hizam Emergency Response Rm….known for significant role in health care services. 2 members of al-Hizam Response Rm were arrested by RSF…at gunpoint. Volunteer Wadah was arrested by RSF in Madani where he has been active in humanitarian work. A member of Sinnar Emergency Response Rm was arrested because a soldier did not like his face. Janoub al-Hizam, S Khartoum… suffers shortage in food, drugs, lack of basic services including electricity, water and internet and telecommunication networks. Humanitarian assistance provided by WFP has been halted resulting in shortage of essential supplies such as wheat, sugar and rice…Communal Kitchens of al-Azzhari are no longer providing services to the needy as funds from donors have been blocked. Bashaair, the only hospital operating, was partially closed because of repeated attacks. Power is out and there is no running water and families have to buy 1 barrel at 10,000 Sudanese pounds. Due to mobile and internet outage, people depend on high-priced Starlink which is not reliable…most of the booths providing are closed down as a result of recent security developments. Al Taghyeer
UN ACCUSED RSF OF BLOCKING AID TO FAMINE THREATENED DARFUR. “The persistent restrictions and bureaucratic hurdles” imposed by RSF’s humanitarian agency “are preventing life-saving assistance from reaching those in desperate need,” Nkweta-Salami, UN. “The world is watching, and it is unacceptable that the humanitarian community…is unable to deliver essential aid.” Famine has been declared in 5 areas of N Darfur and expected to spread to 5 more by May, according to UN-backed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification. UN urged simplified bureaucratic procedures and end undue interference. …humanitarian workers reported obstruction by both sides, looting of aid and threats against relief staff. Al Arabiya
HUNDREDS OF DISPLACED RETURNING TO THEIR VILLAGES AND CITIES IN AL JAZIRA, in the centre of the country, and Bahri, north of Khartoum, after the army regained control. …there are state and popular efforts to organise voluntary return of displaced Sudanese providing transportation to their areas. This is in spite of the obstacles in returning, including lack of electricity and shortage of water. Al-Zubair, supervisor of voluntary return in Al-Jili of Bahri: “we have carried out about 22 trips…3 buses per day since the start of the voluntary return programme…. The trips are funded by contributions from the displaced themselves, in addition to contributions from philanthropists. Khojali, of Shambat: “I returned home and found it looted. I lost electrical appliances and many other things, but the buildings are intact, and this made me happy. I will work on buying the missing items in the house so it is ready for the return of my family members.” …he returned with some of the neighbourhood’s youth to work on preparing the situation and working with authorities to provide water, electricity, street cleaning and assistance in removing waste, so the return would be easy for families in the neighbourhood. Intl Org for Migration announced the number of displaced reached 15 million, including 3.5 million who crossed the borders to neighbouring countries. Middle East Monitor
February 9
El BURHAN…CAUTIONING DISSOLVED ISLAMIST NATL CONGRESS PARTY…AND TAGADOM THEY “WILL NOT RETURN TO POWER”…both groups “supported those who kill Sudanese…” He ruled out any negotiation between the government and RSF…“the door is still open to anyone who withdraws support for RSF.…El Burhan called NCP to “stay away from political outbidding”, accused Tagadom for “supporting the RSF”.…He said the next government could be called a caretaker government or a war government. …after necessary amendments and approval of constitutional document, PM will be chosen….Regarding negotiations with RSF, El Burhan…made that conditional on rebels laying down their weapons and leaving the homes of citizens and civilian dignitaries, ending the siege on El Fasher. …withdrawal from Khartoum, W Kordofan and Darfur…. SLM-MM suggested El Burhan’s speech “contained more conciliatory language than required: “What we understand is that whoever declares repentance and opposition to RSF will not prevented from returning to Sudan.”
JEM considered El Burhan’s talk about NCP not returning to power an attempt to throw dust in the eyes of the people: “Everyone knows they do not need to return because they have already returned and are now in all the joints of the state. …the army was kidnapped by NCP, and El Burhan distributed amnesty and forgiveness certificates to Progress and threatened to continue the war”….the Pt Sudan group is made up of NCP and affiliated Islamic Movement after the coup. NUP described El Burhan a “liar, dispersing the sit-in despite his absolute commitment to protect it. El Burhan swore to protect the transitional period, but turned against it. He denied his relationship with Karti and NCP, he ignited the April 15 war to bring them back.”…El Burhan’s statements a ruse directed at countries of the region. SPLM-N asked that El Burhan’s speech be read as a movement “away from bitterness and zero-sum positions…the importance of this speech comes from its transition from absolute victory to political talk that leads to solution whatever the results of the army’s victories. Winning the war through a decisive military victory is not possible.”….called El Burhan to meet with FFC to discuss… ending the war without conditions or stipulations. *NCP established by Natl Islamic Front dominated politics 10 years…chaired by Al Bashir. Tagadom founded by mainstream FFC-CC and pro-democracy groups. Hamdok elected chair. Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party and Communist Party of Sudan are not part of the alliance. Tagadom invited commanders of warring parties to discus roadmap to peace. Dagalo responded and signed Addis Ababa Declaration. SAF did not respond but accused the alliance of siding with its enemy. Sudanese Comm for RSF War Crimes & Violations in Pt Sudan filed criminal charges against 17 Tagadom leaders. Dabanga
MIN OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS CALLED AU, UN, ARAB LEAGUE TO SUPPORT ROADMAP IT PUT FORWARD after extensive consultations with national and societal forces. …aims to prepare for post-war phase and resume the comprehensive political process that will culminate in holding free and fair general elections. …launching comprehensive national dialogue for all political and societal forces, welcoming anyone who raises his hand from supporting RSF. The map included formation of a government of independent national competencies to resume tasks of the transitional period…. necessary amendments would be made to the constitutional document, approved by national and societal forces, and then a civilian PM would be chosen to manage the executive apparatus. It stressed freedom of opinion and political action “without destroying the homeland or harming national constants,” and not depriving any citizen of his right to obtain a passport. Dabanga
February 8
MILITARY…REGAINED CONTROL OF NEARLY ALL KHARTOUM N aimed at reclaiming full control of the capital from RSF. The military recaptured Kafouri after pushing the RSF to…Bahri. The district had been a key base for the paramilitary, linked to senior RSF leaders including brother of RSF commander Daglo. The army regained control of Abu Quta in Gezira State. …secured all cities and towns in Gezira, except Giad….The developments mark some of the army’s most significant advances….as fighting rages in the capital. Amnesty Intl raised concerns about potential reprisals in areas recaptured. The group cited lists targeting activists, human rights defenders and medical and humanitarian workers accused of being “partners of the RSF”. UN human rights office documented 18 civilian deaths in Khartoum N since the army began its advance. Following the takeover of Wad Madani, mass executions against civilians were reported. Human rights groups accused the army and allied militias of extrajudicial killings, kidnappings and physical and psychological torture, particularly targeting communities suspected of RSF ties. Al Jazeera
MILITARY GAINS AGAINST RSF IN CENTRAL SUDAN. …army forces seized Al-Maseed, Al-Nuba and Al-Tayyi in Jazirah. …closing in on Giad city, stronghold for RSF, and Abu Quta 50k from Khartoum. Social media activists videos show army troops inside recaptured towns. The army announced regaining control of Al-Kamlin, largest city in N Jazirah. 11 Jan, military declared entry into Wad Madani, the capital. RSF forces remain in northern areas bordering Jazirah and northwestern areas near White Nile State, while the army controls most of Jazirah State.
112 ERR MEMBERS KILLED SINCE START OF WAR.…“We have been thinking about how we get some kind of protection, and we need the international community to…advocate for us,” Mokhtar Atif, ERR volunteer Khartoum N. According to volunteers, analysts and international aid workers, the army often treats any person carrying out humanitarian activities in RSF areas as a traitor. “Many volunteers are refusing to evacuate because there are badly needed UN convoys that should be coming,” Hajooj Kuka, ERR Coordination Comm.“…made peace with the fact that they will be killed and already sent messages…saying their goodbyes.” UN High Comm for Human Rights…is aware of 18 people killed in 7 incidents by army-affiliated fighters in Khartoum N Jan 25. UN expert Nouicer was alarmed by reports that army-aligned militias summarily executed 70 young men in Halafya on suspicion they were RSF collaborators: “These smears started just before the army executed lots of civilians in Halafya.” Lists of alleged collaborators are spreading again as the army consolidates control over Khartoum N. One list circulating over WhatsApp…accuses 125 activists, politicians, medics and lawyers of conspiring against the army and state. Kuka said an ERR member is on the list and several peers received death threats on Facebook. The summary killings carried out by army-aligned militias are compelling ERR volunteers to look for a way to escape…. Many were equally frightened after army-aligned militias carried out extrajudicial executions of unarmed men in Wad Madani…. targeted Wad Madani across ethnic and tribal lines, accusing them of sympathising with RSF. …relief workers in Khartoum are convinced they will suffer a similar fate. Al Jazeera
February 6
RELIEF WORKERS FEAR REPRISALS FROM ARMY pushing the paramilitary RSF to retreat from Khartoum….local relief workers fear they will be targeted. “Every time the army recaptures an area, …they target civilians and humanitarian volunteers. This is why we are all so frightened,” Ahmed, relief volunteer in Sharq el-Nile…volunteers are members of Emergency Response Rms, grassroots networks that led humanitarian response since Sudan erupted into war….ERRs provide services supporting soup kitchens, safe spaces for women and children and basic healthcare for the sick and wounded. Most rely on donations from the Sudanese diaspora and international NGOs and UN agencies. ERR workers face arrests, kidnappings and extrajudicial killings from both sides. Many have been targeted for their pro-democracy stances, which threatened the joint rule of then-allied RSF and army after popular uprising…in 2019.
40 CHILDREN KILLED BY BOMBINGS OVER 3 DAYS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF SUDAN: UNESCO...a stark example of the threats facing young people in the war-torn country. “Sadly, it is rare that more than a few short days go past without new reports of children being killed and injured,” Annmarie Swai. She referred to strikes in southern city Kadugli which killed 21 children and maimed 29, 11 children killed in the bombing of a livestock market in El-Fasher, N Darfur. 8 more children were killed in a strike on a market near Khartoum, “4 children killed across just days in 3 separate areas of the country. This is a stark illustration of the devastating and growing threats to children in Sudan.” Swai did not say which party was responsible for the deadly bombings: “Children in Sudan are paying the ultimate price of the relentless fighting.”
February 5
PORT SUDAN REPORTED 70 BUSES CARRYING 3,500 DISPLACED PEOPLE RETURN HOME TO WAD MADANI. Sudan reported 70 buses carrying 3,500 displaced people returning home to Wad Madani. The war in Sudan created the world’s largest internal displacement crisis, 14 million people forced to flee their homes.

ARMY TO SECURE A NEW PEACE, BUT IT MAY LEAD TO NEW WAVE OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY. The military gains sweeping across Sudan may…be a result of new-found confidence brought about by a renewed sense of purpose and unity of the nation. The Army’s successes in Kordofan, E Nile, Bahri, the oil refinery and Central Army Hqs demoralised the RSF, leading fighters to flee in droves with their families and even their furniture. The cries for civilian rule, peace, justice and equality have been replaced by demands for safety, security, hopes for the return to homelands and the dream of stability. The cries of “one people, one army” are likely to drown out calls for army reforms. Some are not impressed with politicians like former PM Hamdok. Hamdok openly courted foreign international intervention disguised as peacekeeping forces to end the war. It was seen as intended to trigger a foreign invasion. Politically, a push to return to civilian rule will come…when the army will be at its most popular. …the call for justice will be more intense to avenge 61,000 people killed in the war with the RSF. The bad feelings toward Islamic leadership accused of being behind the country’s economic and political problems could dissipate given the role Islamic fighters played in liberation of the country. Moreover, the need to reward the fighting force would be difficult to avoid and those with experience of government would be hard to ignore. The economic problems may continue if inflationary pressures are unabated and new foreign investments stalled. The war will focus attention on soldiers, the young and brave who fought in defence of the nation. Sudanese people may well ask why they should put confidence and trust in a political class that sought to criticise the patriotism of the army and appeared to stand with much despised RSF. The attempt to re-establish sovereignty and self-determination will mean renewing international alliances with neighbours. …might prove a difficult task, with the exception of Egypt. So Sudan developed a new rift with Khartoum. Chad and Libya may host fleeing RSF fighters, and Ethiopia and Eritrea are not strong enough to assist….That leaves Turkiye and Russia to become close allies to set up shop in E Africa and the Nile. Analysts are convinced Sudan must begin a reconstruction process which will set back…democratic change. Some talk about 15 years before…civilian rule. Rebuilding the fabric of social life may begin quickly, but renewed political divisions could create factionalism. Keeping Sudan a unified state will depend on a strong central government, anti-insurgency tactics or a mechanism that meets aspirations of the people. Without such a government, the once dependable fabric of society may unravel catastrophically. Middle East Monitor
February 4
HALF SUDAN’S POPULATION, 24.6 MILLION, FACING HIGH ACUTE FOOD INSECURITY, Doctors Without Borders said in latest plea for immediate action….8.5 million people at risk of emergency or famine-like situation, Integrated Food Security Phase Classification latest report. “Despite this new wake-up call, robust humanitarian and diplomatic mobilisation to act on aid deliveries has fallen far short of needs,” MSF. “To provide only those in the most extreme situation with monthly food rations, 2,500 aid trucks per month would be required, whereas only 1,150 crossed into Darfur Aug-Dec.” Sudan’s warring sides…both obstructed distribution of aid, while “neglectful inertia” of the UN and the aid system in Darfur exacerbated the conflict-driven malnutrition crisis. …immediate action is needed to prevent “more avoidable deaths from malnutrition.” 10 million people fled their homes. “Parts of Sudan are difficult to work in. But it is certainly possible, this is what humanitarian organisations and the UN are supposed to do. In places easier to access, as well as hardest to reach areas like N Darfur, options like air routes remain unexplored. The failure to act is a choice, and it’s killing people.” OHCHR warned Sudan was facing one of the worst famines in decades, with 97% of the country’s internally displaced people facing severe hunger: “Never in modern history have so many people faced starvation and famine as in Sudan today.” Middle East Eye