Suicide Squad: U.S. Troops Are Losing a War with Their Deadliest Enemy
A recent Pentagon study found suicide to be the leading cause of death among active-duty U.S. Army personnel. Out of 2,530 soldiers who died between
2014 and 2019 from causes ranging from car crashes to drug overdoses to cancer, 35% — 883 troops — took their own lives. Just 96 soldiers died in combat during those same six years.
In sending veterans to speak with students, we’ve always emphasized most importantly the immoral, unjust, illegitimate nature of wars of empire — you could lose your humanity fighting them. The loss of one’s own life in war is a risk, but do people often think of suicide as a direct result of fighting those unjust wars?
As We Are Not Your Soldiers prepares for another school year, we ask you do take two actions:
Share this page, as a heads up, with anyone you know connected to any school and let them know there is no fee charged to the educator or school for the visit, be it remote or in person. We will soon be publishing our call for Fall 2024 containing the updated panel of presenters who will tell their stories and engage students in deep, empathetic
conversations. Please be sure to share that too when you receive it.
Make a donation to fully or partially cover veteran’s $125 stipends as they visit classes.