Why we won’t shut up about closing the U.S. torture camp at Guantanamo:
- on the basis of morality, holding people outside the law is utterly immoral.
- on the grounds of the rights of human beings, the prison gets a score of zero.
Guantanamo has set a precedent that the most powerful state and military can get away with depriving people of their rights, torture them and face no consequences; rather, such crimes enforce the invincibility of the empire.
On this anniversary, World Can’t Wait aims to raise $1000 for the
Guantanamo Survivors Fund. Give directly to the Fund.
Despite the fact that the United States is wholly responsible for the men’s predicament, the government has all but abandoned them after their transfer, leaving them in the dark as to the terms of their repatriation and resettlement, including the benefits to which they are entitled. These terms typically prevent the men from traveling to see their families and subjects them to constant surveillance. Too many lack access to medical care and social services, and the stigma of being a former Guantanamo prisoner coupled with language and cultural barriers make it difficult for them to find and retain jobs and to form friendships. A lack of funds often limits the men’s contact with their loved ones, further worsening their isolation.
The Guantanamo Survivors Fundseeks to bridge that gap by providing immediate short-term support for their most urgent needs such as medical care, rent, language classes, tuition, and job training.
Protest; Donate to the Guantanamo Survivors Fund;join an online event (listed below).
Augusta, Maine: Saturday, January 13 1:00 pm Armory on Western Avenue
Berkeley, CA: Wednesday, January 10 12:00 pm UC Berkeley Law School, Bancroft Ave. @ College (West of and next to UC Law School) Bake Sale for Guantanamo Survivors Fund.
Buffalo, NY: Thursday, January 11 12:00 – 1:00 pm Federal Building, Delaware Ave at City Hall
Cobleskill, NY: Thursday, January 11 4:00 to 5:00 PM Veterans Park corner of Grand & Main
Fremont, OH: Wednesday, January 10 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Corner of Front and W. State Street
Greenfield, MA: Thursday, January 11 10:00 – 11:00 am Greenfield Town Common, Main St.
Los Angeles, CA: Thursday, January 11
12 noon to 1:30 p.m. Downtown Los Angeles Federal Bldg. (300 N. Los Angeles St. 90012)
New York, NY: Thursday, January 11
4:00 – 5:30 pm NY Public Library steps 5th Avenue @41st Street. Facebook event
Northampton, MA: Thursday, January 11
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Main Street, Northampton, in front of Hampshire County Courthouse
Raleigh, NC: Thursday, January 11
12:00 pm 300 Fayetteville St., the “other” federal building; Rep. Ross’ in-district office
San Francisco, CA: Thursday January 11 4:00 pm San Francisco Ferry Building
Tiffin, OH: Friday, January 12 4:00 pm, Seneca County Courthouse
Toledo, OH: Thursday, January 11 !200 – 2:00 pm Lucas County Courthouse (Michigan St.)
Washington, DC: Thursday, January 11 12:00 – 1:00 pm 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Online Events:
From Guantánamo to Gaza: Resisting State Violence and Occupation
Wednesday, January 10. 1-2:30 pm Register and more info here.View a presentation by Katherine Gallagher, speaker in this webinar, recently to the UN.
Guantanamo, Where Do We Go From Here?
Friday, January 12 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm For more info and to register click here.