From Stephanie Rugoff:
In the midst of the dreadful and continually worsening situation in Israel/Palestine, especially Gaza, there was a beautiful demonstration organized and led by Jewish Voice for Peace in New York City’s Grand Central Station on Friday night, October 27. Note: over 3,000 children have been killed in Gaza in just the past three weeks. That’s more than the annual number of children killed in conflicts across the globe since 2019.
The demonstration was covered extensively in the media both here and abroad as you can see via this listing of links.
So you can see it for yourself and not have to accept anyone else’s interpretation of what went on, this is a long video of pretty much the entire demonstration. You can scroll through it.
I am moved by the writings of this Palestinian Christian whose regular emails I receive, for example what he sent this week. Mazin Qumsiyeh returned to Israel/Palestine, although he holds U.S. citizenship, where he runs the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University, a Catholic university.
A number of NYC World Can’t Wait activists participated in the Grand Central protest, either inside or outside. Here’s a photo of me at the demonstration, second row wearing mask, who was among the close to 400 arrested.
In hopes both peoples can live together in peace.
If you can get to Washington DC this Saturday November 4, join the National March on Washington for Palestine, starting at 2:00 pm in Freedom Plaza. More information is available here.
Kudos to our friends at Code Pink who interrupted Blinken’s testimony today during his testimony at the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing. He and Lloyd Austin were there in support of Biden’s request for over a billion dollars more in military aid to Israel and Ukraine.