Marches organised by Khartoum Resistance Comm moved to the palace; processions to coincide with Intl Women’s Day moved to east and west Khartoum expressing solidarity with women and political detainees; demonstrations held in 11 more cities and towns. Military Hosp Khartoum was stormed, protesters being treated were detained after a stun grenade was thrown into hospital compound. However, thousands of demonstrators were able to penetrate security barriers leading to the palace. 85 protesters have been killed since Oct. Sudan Tribune
Security Forces raided the Commission investigating 2019 massacre of protesters in Khartoum, forcing it to suspend operations. A human rights lawyer said what happened will cripple the investigation and might finish it altogether…It was illegal for an accused to put hands on documents that might convict them…It will end justice in this country. June 3, 2019 soldiers opened fire on a sit-in of hundreds of thousands in front of military hqs to force Al-Bashir’s resignation. Al Jazeera