The Flood of Kabul-Shit
It sometimes seems that the greater the slaughter of civilians, the louder the praise for the mission. This may be due to guilt. Britain’s Gordon Brown: We are in Afghanistan to purge terrorism. Australia’s Kevin Rudd: Our soldiers are building schools. America’s Barack Obama: This is a war of necessity. The Sydney Morning Herald: The mission is to bolster Afghanistan against Al-Qaeda and to support regional stability in Pakistan.
Tosh, the lot of it. The war started as an act of revenge on the perpetrators of the 9/11 tragedy and was not authorized by the United Nations. It took two years and a thousand bloody air strikes before UN Resolution 1510 finally granted the invaders an after-the-fact "legitimacy". Many legal scholars still regard the invasion as illegal under international law.
All for what? Why are we there? The Taliban were not responsible for 9/11. “Yes they are” claims the Sydney Morning Herald, they “nurtured Al Qaeda”. Breast feeding Osama bin Laden, tucking in his little romper suit…? The Herald editorial ignores the role of the CIA in seeding the Taliban, and pouring in cash and weapons for the Mujahideen to kick out the Soviets.
In October 2001, shortly after the US started its own invasion, the Taliban offered to surrender Osama bin Laden to a third country for trial, so long as the bombing was halted and they were shown evidence of his involvement in 9/11. George Bush’s reply: "There’s no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he’s guilty."
And so, eight years after the invasion, despite what Western Generals keep promising, US and NATO bombs continue to pulverise this unhappy land. It’s like a never ending blood sport. Why can’t we pull out? Every politician has a different answer. Former Australian Prime Minister, John Howard pithily expressed the fear that lurks in the souls of warmongers: A premature withdrawal would be a blow to the prestige of the West. Remember Prince William a few years ago, calling in air strikes on “enemy positions”, the media thrilled. Hurrah for Western prestige. Never mind that our continued occupation involves aerial assassination on a massive scale, a kind of slow motion genocide – .
look at the recordThe US military claimed that only militants were hit, but the Afghan Defense Ministry announced a death toll of 140 villagers, producing an official list with the names and ages of those killed: 93 were children, 22 were adult males.
This was a bit too much, even for the Pentagon. The previous commander was dumped. President Obama appointed General Stanley McChrystal, formerly head of Task Force 6-26, a death squad that ran a brutal interrogation unit at Camp Narnia, near Baghdad. "High-value" detainees were kept in the Black Room, formerly a Saddam dungeon. Its décor featured a darkened cell with butcher’s hooks hanging from the ceiling. Basically, McChrystal’s task force ran a secret prison and his unit was implicated in two prisoner deaths. A prosecution was initiated, but ran out of steam after a “computer glitch” had disappeared the unit’s records. An Esquire writer who visited Camp Narnia, John H. Richardson, reported it was so secret that its officers used false names and it was a place where “bad things happened”, a place where Stanley McChrystal had made a “personal promise that the Red Cross would never be allowed into the camp”, in violation of US treaty obligations.
Last week came the disastrous US fighter jet air strike in the northern province of Kunduz, which a prominent Afghan rights group claims to have killed up to 70 civilians, a figure based on interviews with local residents. A few days later, it was reported that Soldiers from the US Army’s 10th Mountain Division made an armed raid on a hospital in eastern Afghanistan, searching for insurgents. The soldiers bound guards and relatives before turning patients out of beds and ransacking a women’s ward, it is claimed. Nato is investigating.
“This war has nothing to do with defending the American people”, commented a New York Times feedback contributor, “Obama’s war is the war of the overgrown military industrial complex that needs a continuous flow of dollars in order to survive”.
There are no easy answers. Curbing air strikes is a start, as well as holding clean elections. Many westerners seek a bright future for Afghanistan and the voices of the well informed, and of the local people, must prevail over trigger happy soldiers, secret geo-political maneuverings and the endless flood of Kabul-shit.
It isn\\\’t trigger happy grunts who are issuing these attack orders. It\\\’s generals who are beholden to the president and who will be beholden after they retire from the military to the Military/Industrial complex that makes the weapons they need to have used so they can make and sell more. The President is also beholden to these same multinational weapons and oil cartels for campaign contributions, and for the reportage in the MSM they own that could make the difference in whether he gets a second term or not. So the orders come down the line: \\\”Use the weapons.\\\”
Per Dr. Henry Kissinger, the grunts dying on the front lines don\\\’t matter because they are, \\\”…“dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” DU has the advantage of being effective against the returning soldiers and their families as well as against the enemy du jour, too. Thus they are told that DU is safe to use, and not the WMD the rest of the world considers it to be. And little things like brain injuries, amputations, PTSD and the like don\\\’t matter either – they are a disposable resource, like American civilians being poisoned by Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Coal and the power industry… well, you get the idea.
And Afghans? Any soldier could tell you, as they got it from their superiors: \\\”targets.\\\” After all, if you\\\’re going to use a weapon, you have to aim it at something, right? And besides, it follows the population reduction policy of the US toward the Third World as outlined in Henry\\\’s Kissinger\\\’s National Security Council, which wrote the “National Security Study Memo 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” Per dear old Henry, “Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” Sentimentalist that he is, the old Nazi believe also that, \\\”“To give food aid to a country just because they (sic) are starving is a pretty weak reason.” Thus the \\\”Oil for Food\\\” program that starved so many, remember? But starvation is too slow, and not NEARLY as profitable as war. And what do the peons who make up the vast majority of the American people have to offer up against the insane profits to be made in war? Nothing by comparison. Just a little small change for smaller industries, like those mentioned above: pharmaceuticalsx8bq3 and such.
Ian MacLeod
Activist PRN, Nonprofit, Nonpartisan, 501(C)(3) Corporation.
Veteran, Disabled, Chronic Intractable Pain Patient, 25 years
Primum, non nocere!
Illegitimis non carborundum!
War reduces the populations of