By Jonathan Turley
One of the more shocking revelation from the May 30, 2005 Bradbury memo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in March 2003. Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in August 2002. Unless I am missing something, that would mean that that KSM was tortured roughly six times a day.
The disclosure can be found on page 37 of the OLC memo, which referenced the rate to torture for the two men.
Notably, Bush officials earlier leaked a story that said that KSM broke within minutes of being waterboarded. CIA officials are quoted as saying “He sang right away. He cracked real quick.” Recently, reports have indicated that these interrogations produced largely known or false information, particularly in the case of the “successful” torture of Abu Zubaydah. Yet, putting aside these accounts, it is strange that CIA officials said that he broke quickly but proceeded to torture him 183 times in the course of a single month.
Notably, the CIA officials who earlier leaked information and details on the success of the torture program are now crying foul at the release of the legal justifications and the scope of the program.
These officials who tortured people multiple times a day have now been told by Attorney General Eric Holder that they will not be investigated and that the government will pay for any criminal defense.
This article originally appeared on Jonathan Turley’s blog res ipsa loquitur
Waterboarding and torture is necessary in order to get information out of terrorists who want to kill us. CIA directors and vice pres Cheney have confirmed that it works very effectively!! Why can’t you liberal douche bags see that? obama is weakening America. Apologizing to all the socialist countries calling America arrogant. If you want to see arrogance watch when obama comes walking off Air Force One. His haughty arrogant attitude bouncing his shoulders as he comes down the stairs. Waving like he is a huge rock star.
If obama wants to help stop terrorism he should give a press release and say “If anyone participates or is associated with terrorism against America will be tortured.”