We gathered together, wearing black and orange, to Drive Out The Bush Regime. For six hours we took control of the free speech area in the City Hall courtyard and sidewalk, with orange balloons exhibiting WCW stickers, pink posters stating “ENOUGH – DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME,” handmade posters, flyers of “The Call,” handouts, and a high-powered portable PA system that blared free speech for five hours, informing passers by of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the program of the Bush regime.
Over the course of the event, over 100-150 pro-peace activists picketed, spoke their piece on the mic, handed out “The Call,” and huddled amongst themselves to discuss the situation, the strategy and our connections. Main speakers included environmentalists, a city council person, peace and justice advocates, greens, political volunteers, progressives, “code pink,” journalists, organizers and activists. Ages ranged from five to seventy-five, all genders. Many students and retirees, homemakers, and a few who took off from work and school to join the rally. Everyone had the chance to speak, some for the first time. We flashed signs to passing cars, receiving many supportive comments and honks. Two students from Eastern Washington University wore gas masks, carried “Bush is Toxic” signs, and were last seen waving them at cars in front of the Spokesman-Review building.
A beautiful blue Spokane sky with a few white clouds, sun shining off of fallen leaves on green grass, reminded us that before anything else we are free human beings with the responsibility to preserve this freedom for all Humanity.
One young man drove by and shouted out, “Military Action Is The Last Resort Of An Incompetent Government.” Another slogan was, “To Condone Torture Is To Deny Yourself Life.” We read from “The Call” four times, the online petition “Not In Our Name,” the press release, a flyer entitled “I Do Not Sanction . . .,” “14 Points of Fascism,” “Articles of Impeachment” of the entire Bush heirarchy, statements on the right to assemble and leaflet and picket on public walkways, the WCW Rally “Statement,” Nicole Brodeur’s column from the Seattle Times, and heard the personal statements of all who cared to speak.
Our event affected and encouraged many people far beyond the actual number of picketers. Fourty seven people signed the WCW roster. Next big event in Spokane is at Franklin Park on October 14, 1:00 PM calling for “Peace In The Middle East.” Guest Speaker is Sara Rich, mother of Suzanne Swift. Also, showings of “Iraq For Sale,” “An Inconvenient Truth,” and “Who Killed The Electric Car?” are being presented at the Garland Theatre.