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Youth Speak Out Video on YouTube
Excerpts of a report from World Can’t Wait.
“Something new is rising – a movement of thousands of very diverse kinds of people from hundreds of cities and towns across the country that see the need to drive the Bush regime from power and are taking the responsibility to do it. These thousands are consciously breaking with the dominant pattern of day by day accommodating to new outrages…They are shaking off denial and despair and stepping into unfamiliar territory of taking history into their own hands – and they are expressing a lot of joy and determination at having connected with a nation-wide movement to drive the Bush regime from power.” 100’s of schools across the country walked out on October 5th!
“At the same time, it is simply a fact that size of these outpourings fell far short of the numbers organizers had correctly aimed for (tens of thousands in the major cities and at least 100,000 nationwide)”Creating a political situation where the Bush regime is driven from office required – and now all the more urgently requires – the political mobilization of hundreds of thousands.
We must not stop, we must go forward. No matter who is elected, we ourselves, the people, by our OWN active initiative, have to now set entirely different political terms than the ones presently accepted as “realistic”. To keep the profile and message of World Can’t Wait pulsing through the political atmosphere over the next 6 weeks.”
What are the Next Steps?
*Call for Nationwide Emergency Teach-ins, October 26-30*
Where is the Bush Regime taking the World? Why Must it Be Stopped? Organize teach ins or other forms of events that will enable students to understand how the Bush administration is horrifically reshaping the world and the urgent need to stop this disastrous course.
[CLICK HERE to find out more about the Teach-Ins and how to host one at your school]
*Wear orange*
Wear orange armbands. Decorate yourself and the city with orange Emergency crime tape to symbolize those being disappeared and tortured in our name.
[To learn more about this CLICK HERE ]
*Active Investigation*
We must continue deeply to build upon the very important advances that have been made in this last round as well as by understanding and overcoming the significant challenges still confronting humanity. This means following up with contacts, organizers, attendees and folks in various social movements to learn more deeply about the political climate, people’s questions and views on the movement to Drive out the Bush Regime & Oct 5.
[CLICK HERE for more and a list of sample questions]