Why I Signed the Call:Camilo Mejia, Conscientious Objector Harold Pinter, Nobel Laureate playwright
Poems: |
Here you can find statements from individuals and groups in support of
The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime of
its Call.
Voices from November 2nd, 2005 Protests:(The movement to drive out the Bush regime was launched with protests across the country on Nov. 2nd, 2005, the anniversary of Bush’s “re-election. Below are statements in support of the Nov. 2nd protests.) Dahr Jamail, independent journalist Malik Rahim (Common Ground Collective, New Orleans) |
Voices from State of Emergency Protests(On Jan. 31st, 2006, the night of Bush’s state of the union address, World Can’t Wait organized protests across the country followed by a rally demanding “Bush Step Down” in Washington, DC the following Saturday, Feb. 4th. Below are statements made before or during the state of emergency protests.)
Larry S. Jones, Americans United for Seperation of Church and State
Mark Leno, California State Assemblyman
Tomas Olmos, member of National Advisory Board of World Can’t Wait