Half a million dollars needed by Sept. 21:
This ad has run in the New York Times, Chicago Reader, SF Bay Guardian, LA weekly and the DC city paper, in addition to PSA’s on Air America,
and helped bring out hundreds to organizing meetings Sept. 7. But
millions more need to find out about the protests planned Oct. 5 –
contribute today and get involved in raising funds today!
And while you’re considering how much money to give to drive out the Bush regime, read the top 10 reasons NOT to put your money and resources into the Democrats.
Greet Bush’s Visit to the UN Sept. 19 with a fullpage ad in USA Today:
World Can’t Wait aims to be out in the streets
protesting Bush’s visit to the UN, and is seeking to raise $104,500 to
publish a full-page ad in USA Today Sept. 19
calling on people to come out to the Oct. 5 protests. Donate now, and send these fundraising letters to everyone you know.