Bus Tour Arrives in Jackson, MS
Operation Save
America, who’s message is “Homosexuality is a
sin. Islam is a lie. Abortion
is murder.”, is attempting to shut down the last abortion clinic in
Mississippi this week. They are not just a lunatic fringe group,
but the
storm troopers of a theocratic ideology and program that has, under the
regime, increasingly been established in the halls of Congress, in the
judiciary, and in the White House itself. The WCW bus tour is in
Jackson this week to keep the last clinic open, and to repudiate the
attacks on women’s right to choose and the whole Bush agenda this is
part of. Check here for daily
reports, press coverage, and more.
Day Two: Unrelenting Drive For Theocracy – And the Need to Bring This to a Halt
Day One Report: Pro-Choice Rally Receives a Bomb Threat
The Clarion-Ledger Report on Pro-Choice Rally in Jackson, MS, 7/15
Interview With Michelle Colon, Pres. of the Jackson Chapter of NOW
Last Clinic Standing by Sunsara Taylor
After years of violently blockading abortion clinics, terrorizing women
and doctors, and agitating for biblical rule, there is a smug sense of
triumphalism coming from the pro-life organization Operation Save
America/Operation Rescue. [read more]
Click here for a journal from the first 2 weeks of the bus tour.
Read interviews with WCW organizers participating in the bus tour (posted 7/10).
Listen to an interview with Elaine Brower, whose son is deployed in Iraq, on the bus tour’s trip to Fort Polk military base in Louisiana, on KPFK’s Flashpints. Skip to 52:00 for the interview segment.
Click here for a description and schedule of the bus tour. Email getonthebus@worldcantwait.org
Video Introduction to World Can’t Wait
9 minute video now available,
featuring Sunsara Taylor. Great as an introduction to World Can’t
Wait and as a primer in how to start organizing for October 5.
Carol Fisher Released From Jail!
On Friday, July 7 two courts ordered Carol’s release from jail,
after she spent 5 weeks in jail for posting “Bush Step Down!”
posters. [read more]
The Mission of World Can’t Wait
World Can’t Wait is organizing people
living in the United States to take responsibility to stop the whole
disastrous course led by the Bush administration. We seek to create a
political situation where the Bush administration’s program is
repudiated, where Bush himself is driven from office, and where the
whole direction he has been taking U.S. society is reversed.
Read our frequently asked questions to find out more.