Monday, 7/17: While Sen. Joe Lieberman is facing a challenge by Democratic voters
furious at his brazen pro-war position, the status quo of the
Democratic Party is only affirming its support for Lieberman and the
Democrats’ current politics of going along with the Bush agenda. [read
The Mission of World Can’t Wait
World Can’t Wait is organizing people
living in the United States to take responsibility to stop the whole
disastrous course led by the Bush administration. We seek to create a
political situation where the Bush administration’s program is
repudiated, where Bush himself is driven from office, and where the
whole direction he has been taking U.S. society is reversed.
Read our frequently asked questions to find out more.
Carol Fisher Released From Jail!
On Friday, July 7 two courts ordered Carol’s release from jail,
after she spent 5 weeks in jail for posting “Bush Step Down!”
posters. [read more]
Video Introduction to World Can’t Wait
9 minute video now available,
featuring Sunsara Taylor. Great as an introduction to World Can’t
Wait and as a primer in how to start organizing for October 5.
Ned Lamont and the Progressive Democrats: Not Ready for Prime Time
By Stanley Rogouski, 7/9/06: For someone who supports an end to
the war in Iraq, the Connecticut Senate debate between the pro-war incumbent
Joseph Lieberman and his Daily Kos endorsed challenger Ned Lamont was painful
to watch. [read more]
Global Warming: “An Inconvenient Truth” that demands the Bush Regime be driven out!
Read a review of the new Al Gore film from a volunteer with the Bush Crimes Commission.
And check out the movie yourself and take copies of the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime to distribute to everyone agonizing over the future of the planet. [read more]
Support Our Deserters
A minimum of 5,500 US military personnel have deserted from duty in Iraq. On June 7th, Lt. Ehren Watada became the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to Iraq, saying, “I refuse to be party to an
illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our
aggression”. Over a thousand supporters in over 30 cities and towns took part in the
National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada on Tuesday, June 27. [reports and pictures] –Sign an online petition in support of Watada. -Take part in
the June 27th “National Day of Action” to Stand with Lt. Watada. -Distribute a new Support Our Deserters poster from World Can’t Wait, available as an 11×17 pdf.
Haditha: The Nature of Unjust War

The images are horrific. The lies are outrageous. The story is all too common.
Dead children are piled into the back of a pickup truck, dressed in
blood soaked and bullet-ridden pajamas. A group of brothers are forced
into a closet and shot at point-blank range. And a young girl, the lone
surviver of her family, wakes up the morning of November 19th, to find
her father shot dead while attempting to open the front door, and her
siblings all shot as well as her mother, holding the youngest in her
arms. [read more]
Don’t hold your outrage to yourself: get out and talk to
people about this massacre and why we need to take responsibility to
stop this war. Print the above poster (available as an 11×17 pdf or jpg) and get it up everywhere. Distribute the Call to drive out the Bush regime, available as a pdf, everywhere you go. Do street theatre at a busy street corner.