Saturday, 6/17: While the Democratic Party assured us that the recent changes in Bush’s staff meant his administration is ready to implode, Bush’s newly appointed chief Domestic Policy Advisor Karl Zinsmeister’s comments on abortion show just the opposite. Zinsmeister told PBS in an interview this past April that he supported banning abortion and sending doctors who perform abortions to jail. [read more]
Submit T-Shirt Designs for World Can’t Wait ( Drive Out the Bush Regime by July 1st
Winning design will be sold on WCW website and in locations across the country
During the next 3 months World Can’t Wait ( Drive Out the Bush Regime will be criss-crossing the country with the Van’s Warped Tour and our own Bus Tour. The tours are aimed at reaching thousands of new people with The Call of WCW and our plans for October 5, 2006, a day of national protest and massive repudiation of the Bush Regime. The tours will draw national attention as students sign up along the Warped Tour and make it their generation’s mission to Drive Out the Bush Regime, and the WCW Bus Tour will land in contested areas such as New Orleans, home of Focus on the Family in Denver, CO, and South Dakota. [read more]
The Seattle Times on Bush’s Visit & Protests chanting “Drive Out the Bush Regime!”
When Bush’s limo finally drove past, the protesters chanted, “Drive out the Bush regime. The world can’t wait!” [read more]
June 2nd: Carol Fisher sentenced to 60 days in jail and 2 years probation for posting “Bush Step Down” posters!
[MSNBC, News Channel 5, & Cleveland Plain Dealer coverage]
[facts of the case]
[latest update & what you can do]
[firsthand account of Carol’s sentencing]
Fort Lewis Soldier Says He’ll Refuse To Go To Iraq
KOMO 4 News, 6/6/06, By Keith Eldridge
SEATTLE – As thousands of Fort Lewis Army troops prepare to head back to Iraq, one of their officers is making a stand.
A lieutenant says he is going to refuse to go, saying it’s an unjust war. Anti-war groups are rallying to his defense.
Lt. Ehren Watada of the Stryker Brigade writes, “I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch families torn apart, while the President tells us to âstay the course.’ I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression. [read more]
It’s Not Just Haditha: Revelations and pictures of more massacres
As horrible as the Haditha massacre was, it is only the tip of the iceberg in atrocities carried out by the US military in an unjust war. As the details of how 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians in Haditha on Nov. 19, 2005 become known to the world after months of military cover-up, more reports are coming out of Iraq showing that Haditha is not an aberration, but the nature of this war and the Bush agenda. [read more]
Your government is now gearing up for an attack on Iran,
with covert operations already underway, plans being drawn up that include the use of nuclear weapons, and a campaign of lies pumped out by government officials that we heard 3 years ago. Click here to read up on what the Bush regime is planning and for posters to get up everywhere.