Remember Katrina – Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast
region one year ago. We were outraged to
see Black people stranded on roof tops.
Without the adequate supply of food and water, they were herded like
animals into the convention center and the Superdome. Treated like criminals with shoot-to-kill
orders placed on them, and displaced from their homes, thousands were killed by
the effect of the storm or at the hands of officials sent in to “restore order”. [read more]
It is what it is:
A report from Jamilah
Hoffman, a World Can’t Wait organizer who is in New Orleans for the anniversary of
Hurricane Katrina
-Distribute black armbands with the words “Remember Katrina – Drive Out the Bush Regime – Oct. 5: Day of Mass Resistance”.
-Organize a New Orleans style jazz funeral march in your area on August 29th.
Tonight (8/29): HBO will be airing Spike Lee’s new film, When the Levees Broke, which documents the horror faced by
New Orleans residents when the government left them to die after
Hurricane Katrina hit. In New Orleans, the film was shown for free to an audience of 10,000. Check back here for reviews and responses, and send us yours.
Watching “When the Levees Broke” in New Orleans: Report from a World Can’t Wait Organizer
World Can’t Wait Ads Appearing This Week
New York Times on Wednesday, 8/30
DC City Paper, LA Weekly, SF Bay Guardian, Chicago Reader this week
Nationwide Air America ads start September 1st
Wednesday, 8/30, 3PM EST: Gore Vidal and Sunsara Taylor interviewed
by Mike Malloy on Air America
(Randi Rhodes show)
Responses to August 3 World Can’t Wait Ad in the NY Times
News & Outrages
New Frequently Asked Questions Posted
Why do you need to drive out the Bush Regime – won’t they be out of
office in two years and then the pendulum will swing back?
A: You wish. [read faq’s]
Bush Crimes Commission to Release Verdict on September 13
Call for a National “Bush Crimes Day” September 19
War Crimes in Lebanon
Food for thought: If you have the basis to know about, but
refuse to recognize or acknowledge, the terrible acts your government, under
the current regime, is committing, in the Middle East and other parts of the world,
as well as within the U.S. itself…If you do recognize and acknowledge the
great harm your government is doing, but you do not act, in a meaningful way,
to oppose this … Then, yes, you are complicit in these crimes. [read more]
Peace in the Middle East? First Bush Must Go
By Stanley Rogouski, 8/18 It began on July 12th, with a clash along the
border between Israel and Lebanon, 8
Israeli soldiers dead and two taken hostage. George Bush seemed paralyzed as
the crisis spun out of control. [read more]
Watch What They Say, Watch What They Do:
The Bush Regime’s Campaign to Silence the Media By Kenneth J. Theisen, 8/25 [read more]
Podcast from Debra Sweet, 8/14
[mov] [mpg] [wmv]
Hear from the national co-ordinator of World Can’t
Wait on making October 5th a turning point in history. Check out the podcast, and use it at
gatherings, meetings, and fund-raising house parties.
Hear Debra Sweet interviewed by Michael Slate on KPFK’s “Beneath the Surface”.
Fall Plans for Mobilizing Students on Oct. 5
By Allen Lang, National Student & Youth Organizer Go all out in mobilizing students returning to school this September to
the national Sept. 7th mass meetings as a leap towards October 5th. [read more]
Why the Christian Right is Wrong
Lecture by Dr. Robin Meyers,
Pastor of the Mayflower Congregational Church in Oklahoma
City, on the need to resist the looming theocracy. [read more]
Mexico: How to Stop a Stolen Election
After widespread suspicion of a stolen presidential election in Mexico, thousands upon thousands have taken to the streets in protest, shutting down business as usual and refusing to stop until the votes are recounted. As the October 5 protests come closer, events in Mexico provide an important example for what people in the US need to do when faced with an intolerable regime that came to power through a stolen election. Check out the following articles on the protests in Mexico:
Shame of Not Being Mexican by David Swanson
Why Democrats Don’t Count by Greg Palast
If you’re putting your hopes and energies into the Democrats winning the 2006 elections
Check out the following:
Democrats on the slaughter in Lebanon
Ned Lamont: False Hopes, Bad Terms, and Ticking Clocks Cynthia McKinney Ruled Out of Bounds A Call to Action for the Women’s Movement and Everyone Who Cares About Women’s Lives Fitzmass Cancelled: No Free Lunch for the Democrats With Friends Like These” Bob Casey, the Democrats’ posterboy anti-choice candidate Let’s Not Impeach the President Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement
World Can’t Wait Summer Bus Tour
Sir No Sir! Documentary now on DVD
In the 1960s, thousands of American GIs rebelled against the Vietnam War, changing the course of history and society. No film has ever told their story… until now.
This inspirational documentary is very timely and World Can’t Wait is proud to partner with Displaced Films and Balcony Releasing to offer it for purchase. A portion of the proceeds will be donated towards driving out the Bush Regime.