Your government enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.
Bush used his Saturday radio address to push for a Constitutional
amendment banning gay marriage. The amendment is before the
Senate this week after theocratic Christian fundamentalist leaders and
organizations demanded their agenda be further codified as law before
the November elections, and top Republican leaders agree.
Bush’s address Saturday included the usual upside down logic that
“activist judges” are making up the law by giving gays basic legal
rights. But clearly is is the Bush regime that is radically
remaking society in a fascist direction, including rewriting the law,
by seeking to permenently deny gay people basic legal rights and make a
narrow and fundamentalist definition of marriage the law.
The World Can’t Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime!
(Source: “President Bush backs federal marriage amendment”,, 6/3/06)