Letter of support from students at Hampton University
organizing for the State of Emergency Protests and calling others to
take part in the demonstrations Jan. 31st and Feb. 4th. Last
December, 7 Hampton University Students faced expulsion for
participating in the November 2nd protests called by The World Can’t
Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime. A statement demanding the university administration drop the charges
was issued by World Can’t Wait and signed by thousands of people,
including many academics. After an intense political battle, the
students were not expelled. (click here to view the statement).
We all know that Bush is a liar. We know about Patriot Acts 1
and 2. We know that innocent people are being tortured, while the
American government legalizes it. We all know about the Bush
administration’s sinister activities. In fact, so many new
atrocities and injustices are coming to light, that we could hold a
month-long conference, and probably still not cover everything.
What is stopping us from putting an end to the Bush regime that has its
legacy rooted in the founding of the nation? Nothing!
Anytime there exists a governmental structure such as the Bush
administration: corrupt, unjust, immoral, murderous, sexist, racist,
imperialistic, the only option we have is to emancipate one another
through mobilized action. We understand that and it is the reason that we render our support for this cause. The only way we can put an end to all of this is if we come together, unify, and approach them with a united front. We cannot dally and dawdle around this problem; we must address and confront this problem.
Let me repeat that again: We cannot dally and dawdle around this problem; we must address and confront this problem.
We can no longer talk, complain, and cry about what Bush is doing, we
must now do something ourselves. We are being gradually shifted
into a fascist, Nazi-like police state, a nation that sends our sons,
brothers, and sisters to die for outright lies. Now is the time for
We activist students of
learned the type of society this government has in store for us
firsthand. In an attempt to raise social awareness on campus, we
decided to participate in the November 2nd mobilization (called for by
World Can’t Wait), by sharing information with fellow classmates.
administration responded by threatening students with expulsion!
Can you imagine that? For talking to your friends about AIDS,
Hurricane Katrina, the crisis in Sudan, Homophobia, the cost of
war in Iraq, police brutality and the prison industrial complex (www.collegefreedom.org/hampton.htm).
Sunsara Taylor, co-initiator of the World Can’t Wait Organization says,
“The attacks on the student organizers at Hampton University, a
historically black college with a mostly Republican administration, is
an ugly harbinger of the dissent-free future the Bush regime is trying
to lock into place.”
This is why we fully support the World Cant Wait’s State of
protests. Organize all those who can to participate on January 31st
and/or February 4th. Until we collectively mobilize into a movement
that will force the Bush administration to put an end to their madness,
their oppression will continue. Always remember, “That which you
will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn- or be forced- to
Bryan Ogilvie,
John Robinson,
Eluka Kibona,
Adrien McLaurin, students at Hampton University