Challenge to the youth)
I am here to present you with a challenge. You are under a government in which your president has spied upon and lied to the people he should be protecting, without having to answer for his actions. You are under a government who wishes to forbid women from having the choice to end an unwanted pregnancy. You are under a government that wants to silence your voice, your say in how this world should be. Do you want to live under a government like this?
I challenge you to think for yourself…..
I challenge you to look around and see what your president is doing to this country.
I challenge you to heed our call and consider what we have to say.
Don’t like your government? You can change it! Join other concerned youth from around the island for the World Can’t Wait rally. Meet at the state capitol at 3pm for the rally or at 4pm for a march to the federal building.For more information, go to
Can’t make it? Not in
We are here to disarm this weapon of mass destruction Americans call their president. We are here to speak and be heard. We are here to fight for the future of our generation