This is a letter to professors written by a signer of the Open Letter to Defend Dissent and Critical Thinking on Campus
and educator at Columbia College in Chicago, calling on those in academia to take part in mobilizing
for demonstrations to Drown Out Bush’s Lies the night of Jan.31st and
Feb.4th in Washington D.C
Torture. Unjust
war. Secret detentions. Illicit eavesdropping. The
right to abortion in danger. These are only the more prominent of
deeply reactionary and openly criminal actions of this government, this
Science is twisted and suppressed for religious or economic ends.
Torture as a
policy option is openly discussed and sanctioned, but to criticize or
the motives or interests behind U.S. actions in the world ( these are
subjects which
cannot be raised. Colleges and universities represent one of the few
refuges of critical thinking and dissent in this country; but for how
This country is on a course toward what can only be
characterized as fascism. It’s a direction that must be reversed, and it’s a
responsibility that falls on all of us. It is abundantly clear that politics as
usual, including the politics of the Democratic Party, is utterly unequal to
the enormity of what is taking place. Mass independent political action is
This past November 2 saw a first major step, as
rallies and demonstrations took place in over sixty cities under the slogan,
‘The World Can’t Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime!’ The aim of World Can’t Wait
(see is to create a political situation and build
a movement to drive this hated and dangerous regime from power. Nov. 2 was an
exciting beginning (see pictures and accounts on the website).
The next step is Bush’s State of the Union address on
January 31. Rallies across the country will demand that Bush step down, and as
Bush’s address begins, we will bring on music and noise. Bush cannot be allowed
to set the agenda for 2006. On the following Saturday, February 4, massive
numbers will protest at the White House.
For much more news and information, visit and explore
the website ( Sign the call to Drive Out the Bush
Regime and circulate it. (Signatories include figures and organizations such as
Code Pink, Robin D.G. Kelley, Jonathan Kozol, Harold Pinter, Sonia Sanchez,
Gore Vidal, Alice Walker, Cornel West, Howard Zinn, and many others.)
You may have seen the call in the New York Times of
December 12, where it was featured in a full-page ad (attached). That night, it
was the top story on ‘The O’Reilly Factor.’ Bill O’Reilly’s guests were David
Horowitz, well-known to all of us as author of the ‘Academic Bill of Rights,’
and NY State Senator Tom Duane, a signer of The World Can’t Wait ad. Among
other things, O’Reilly attacked the Times for allowing the ad to run.
Campuses are of great importance to this movement.
Announce it in your classes and pass out the World Can’t Wait Call. Talk with
your colleagues, circulate the call, and reference it in public discussions.
Join or organize actions on January 31. Contribute financially to this
movement. Help it become the powerful force that is needed now.
The hour is late and the need is pressing.
John Stevenson
Columbia College Chicago