Send in Jan.31st plans for your area.
Today we will show the world our future. We are taking to the streets pouring out of the schools, to find millions of people who can no longer stand the direction society is going. We will demand BUSH STEP DOWN, and that he should take his whole program with him. For 5 years Bush and his crew have lied, murdered, and stolen our futures, but no more will we let him get away with this.
At 8 A.M throughout the city, high school and college students will be handing out flyers to others going in, calling on them to stay in the streets all day and take part in changing the course of history. We will be chanting, and making NOISE like we will be that night. We will be telling students to STOP, you have walked by enough, now you must take a stand. Talk to them about the courageous students who refused to get up from ‘whites- only’ counter tops and ask: In times when people are legally being tortured in camps around the world: will you take a stand and Act Now or will you remain complicit with these horrendous crimes.
At 10 am students should meet at to their borough- wide organizing spot, the
By noon we want to fan out. Head to the college and university campuses. In
As we move through the day we will be getting stores to support us, donate and put signs up. We will gather contacts, and most importantly our numbers will swell as me move. We are going to ask people to change their plans for the day, and for their lives, it is time to be the makers of history. We are going to pick up people as we go along, and
periodically stop for speeches and noise making. Around 5 pm when campuses start closing down we are going to head to heavy business districts and subway stations, to rally by where people will be going home to work. By 7 pm we will be ready to head to
Students will pour in from all five boroughs, making a wall of sound and bringing