Letter from a student in Minnesota. There are tens of thousands
of people across the country who still need to hear about this
movement to Drive out the Bush Regime and to demonstrate their demand
for Bush to Step Down.
I am really depressed that there are no Minnesota chapters. I, in all am a
coward when approached to become a leader for something, so I have been
waiting for a very long time, checking your site regularly, to see if
Minnesota will have anyone else trying to get Bush impeached on the 31st and
the 4rth, but alas I think I’m the only one. I will not except having Bush
as a president, and if I’m the only one really wanting him out badly in
Minnesota, Than I guess I’ll have to get over being shy, I just need help as
to how I can start it. Please help me, because I am very unhappy at Bush,
and am not usually a leader.
Distraught and Willing,