Author Mark Crispin Miller and World Can’t Wait-initiator Sunsara Taylor
have recorded PSA’s that have been playing on Air America hitting cities all around
the country. Read below for plans to utilize these PSAs and have them
played on College Radio stations in the run-up to the State of the Union
Protests and the National Mobilization in D.C on Feb 4th.
here to download PSA
“The F-Word”
Download and play the new song by Koba from Kontrast- ” The F-Word”
. Download/burn the PSA and ” The F- Word” to Cd and play it
while doing outreach in front of High Schools. Play it on your stereo,
in the neighborhood and really loud. Upload it to your Podcast.
Bring the Noise!
Step up to Force Bush to Step Down!
These P.S.A’s need to be broadcasted across college airwaves
across the country. College Radio Stations stand out as unique sources to
project this demand: Bush Step Down- Demonstrate the Jan.31st the
night of the State of the Union and Feb.4th
in Washington D.C that could potentially reach 10’s of thousands of listeners
in that College Radio is not restricted by Clear Channel policies or strict
profit driven timetables.
Right click on the link and hit’ save target as’ to be able to burn the
PSA’s on a CD or send as an attachment. Listen
or check out the radio station’s website to make a list of radio programmers or
DJs to contact. Many times radio
stations are connected to the Communications Department of the University. Aim to have the PSA planned regularly over the
airwaves- the PSA planned needs to be played several times before making a real
impact. High School students can
approach radio station their town or community.
By no means should we limit ourselves to only college/ community radio
but this will play a key role in creating a buzz among students and youth
around this concrete demand and planned actions.