This is a letter Chicago Students and Youth are using to contact
student groups and organizations to take part in building for the State
of the Union Protests. This is the work we need to be doing
NOW and contacting student groups and professors BEFORE school starts
to be prepared to hit the campuses full force when they go back to
Dear Student Organization;
Student organizers for The World
Can’t Wait-Drive out the Bush Regime, are building on the Northwestern
University campus for demonstrations this January 31 and would like to
come discuss this at your regular meeting this week. Thousands on
campus across the country must join us. To start check out the website
The World Can’t Wait is seeking to create a political
situation that forces Bush and his cronies to step down. The actions of
this government and this President are outrageous and
intolerable. Millions are outraged and many even calling
into question the legitimacy of the President as revelations of NSA
Spying and Lying swirl through the news and heighten the
volatility raging thoughout society. Look at the current
justification of torture advocated by John Yoo, the utterly
illegitimate and murderous war in Iraq, the nomination of Alito who
aims to overturn Roe vs. Wade and even take away the right to birth
control! These and other events like the recently exposed illegal
spying on American citizens ordered directly by Bush, represent moves
forward in implementing a whole repressive theocratic program.
On Nov. 2 a movement began where thousands of students on
over 70 campuses and 200 high schools across the country walked out and
were part of the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime. Historian
Howard Zinn, Nobel Prize winning Playwright Harold Pinter, and Defense
Lawyer Lynn Stewart have endorsed the Call to drive out the Bush Regime
along with scores of other prominent individuals and organizations.
Most recently you may have seen the call along with announcements for
our next step as a full page ad in the New York Times.
Now we are building for Demonstrations on January 31
coinciding with the state of the Union speech where Bush will lay out
his plans for another year. On campus and at high schools we are
calling for “No School, Stand up and Drive Out the Regime”. Here in
Chicago students will spread the word on campus and across the city, to
rally at 5pm in Pioneer Plaza. Then in neighborhoods and on campuses
throughout Chicago, as Bush begins to speak we will “Bring the Noise”
in a cacophony of sound that drowns out his speech. Making the demand
“Bush Step Down and take your whole program with you!” Then Saturday,
Feb 4, we will mobilize for MASSIVE DEMONSTRATIONS in Washington DC.
Get in touch with us right away to schedule a time when we
could attend a weekly meeting. We’ll make a short presentation and dig
into the situation in the world, how we can stop this disastrous
course, and the role of the growing student movement on campus across
the country. Check out the Youth and Student webpage to find out more:
Endorse the call, join us in building on campus, and be a part of making history.
World Can’t Wait Youth and Students Chicago