Your government suppresses the science that doesn’t
fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and
future generations to pay a terrible price.
Yesterday, the Kansas State Board of Education approved curriculum
that allows for intelligent design and creationism to be taught in
schools alongside evolution. This despite all the scientific evidence
proving the theory of evolution and the recomendations of the National
Academy of Sciences and National Science Teachers Association to only
teach actual science in school.
This latest move will deny youth a real education in science, and is
part of an attempt to bring Christian fundamentalist ideology into the
schools. And it’s not just Kansas – Bush himself has said that
intelligent design should be taught in schools, and there are battles
going on over evolution in many other states. What’s worse is that
those pushing intelligent design claim it’s science (the Kansas School
Board President said “this absolutely raises science standards”), and
hide behind “fairness” while arguing for their religion to be taught in
schools. Are schools and the rest of society going to be taken over by
theocrats, or will we stop this?
The World Can’t Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime!