I think its great that the theme today is the world can’t wait. I just got back from
Thailand yesterday. I was at a meeting of 1800 women activists from all over the
world. And their message was the same message: THE WORLD CAN’T WAIT.
They said the Bush administration is taking away women’s reproductive
rights around the world, it’s driving down environmental standards
around the world, it’s weakening labor around the world and its driving
militarism all over the world. And the women said the same thing: THE
Let’s look at where we are today. We have a global community, the vast majority of
whom are right with us when we say drive out the Bush regime. And here
in the United States despite the fact that we have a Democratic Party
without a spine, and despite the fact that we have a corporate media
that lies to the people, we have the majority of the people on our
The majority of people in this country say the war in Iraq was a mistake, the war in
Iraq is unwinnable, the war in Iraq does not make us safer here at
home. And we also have the majority that is saying now ‘bring the
troops home.’
So we are a majority on the global scene. We are a majority here in the United
States. The only thing we have to do now is make that majority visible. And that’s
why it’s so important that we’re out here today. And that’s why it’s so important
that we continue to be out here. Because it’s not like Harry Reid and the Democrats
have suddenly found their spine. It’s that the democrats are starting to realize
that the majority of people are angry. That the majority of people won’t stop until
the Democrats start to stand up and get rid of the Bush regime.
So let’s recognize that we are the leaders. We can’t count on any elected officials
in Washington today. We are the leaders. And we will lead together with the global
It’s very nice that Lewis Libby has been indicted. But that is the
bottom of the barrel and we want to go to the top. We want top see the
impeachment of George Bush. And we will not stop until we get there.
Power to the people! The world can’t wait! Drive the Bush regime out!