from the National Steering Committee of World Can’t Wait
The incredible energy and desire for change expressed by youth could be
felt at rallies and marches throughout the country on Nov. 2nd. Smiling
faces, fists in the air, and screams of defiance from these young
people who feel that their only hope for a future worth living can be
found in a world without the Bush Regime. These youth took flyers and
stickers to their schools and organized others to leave school on Nov.
2nd in an effort to build a movement that could give their lives
meaning. Now in the wake of Nov. 2nd, some students are being
threatened with suspension and in the case of one High School student
in Los Angeles, threatened with arrest. We, on the Steering Committee
of World Can’t Wait say no to School Administrators that are allowing
any kind of punishment given to these courageous students. They are
refusing to sit by and watch as their Government commits acts of
genocide on Iraqis or heinous acts of torture on innocent people, these
youth have the right to gather in protest. The government vilified Rosa
Parks nearly 50 years ago, now millions across the country are honoring
These students are taking a position now that will be honored in the
future. We in our millions that hate the Bush Regime must honor these
students NOW. Any administrator that allows or enforces punishment on
these young people must be repudiated. As we say in our call, ‘ If
we speak the truth, they will try to silence us. If we act, they will
try to stop us. But we speak for the majority, here and around the
world, and as we get this going we are going to reach out to the people
who have been so badly fooled by Bush and we are not going to stop.‘
-If you are facing reprisal for walking out of school Nov. 2, we want to know about it and defend you.
-If you’re a lawyer, teacher, parent, or just outraged that students
are being punished for taking the lead in this movement to drive out
the Bush regime, do everything you can to support these students.