50 people gather at the campus flagpole on a cold morning and in a
few hours the Secret Service is calling for back-up to clampdown a
protest, in the hundreds, getting beyond their command.
Laura Bush sneaked on to Howard University‘s campus unannounced and let loose a firestorm of outrage among students. On
short notice a handful of students gathered to demand Laura Bush leave
campus, linked arms and stepped off in a march to the gate near Rankin
Chapel. The march picked up steam as chants echoed
through the campus and by the end of the day 200-250 students were
amass demanding Bush leave the Mecca and remove the police state
clampdown from their campus.
A student at the protest, who has a father in the military said ‘It
was because of racism that he is getting shipped off to Iraq in January
2006, I’m here to tell them that they don’t own him and they don’t own
me. She has no business on this campus’. In
the wake of Hurricane Katrina Kanye West stood up on National T.V and
heroically stated the simple truth: George Bush Does Not Care About
Black People’ (and that’s not the half of it). While
West’s statement expressed the sentiment of tens of millions, Laura
Bush took to the podium and attacked West’s comments for ‘being
disgusting’ and disagreeing that race played a role in the federal
government’s slow response to victims of Hurricane Katrina. And what
does it say feeling the loss of Rosa Parks, for students to enter
campus with buildings cordoned off and police officers shouting at
So here is Laura Bush at Howard, one of the most prominent Black Universities in the nation, leading an unannounced Summit on Youth Crime and bringing a fascistic lockdown to campus. Defying
threats from campus security of being pepper sprayed and police dogs
let loose on them, defying sugar-coated pleas by the Howard University
President to extinguish their anger; Howard Students gathered to
protest the very presence of Bush and what she represents. World
Can’t Wait talked to an organizer who said ‘it was a small amount of
students who first came out, but it evolved when students began
marching, it became more visible and organized itself’. Howard University students became emboldened by the day, considering it a victory and actually forcing Laura Bush to leave earlier than planned.
The Howard protests are very inspiring and experience needs to be brought into the 2nd. When you boldly step out, people will join. There
are millions of people who are still waiting to hear this message and
looking for a vehicle to take on the enormity of the challenge we face. While
we spend our last hours calling on tens of thousands to be part of
making history, we will rally forward thousands more on the day to
‘Join Us) Join Us..The World Can’t Wait..DRIVE OUT the Bush Regime’.
The political character of the World Can’t Wait Call needs to embody Nov.2nd
and we need to come out of the day different than how we went into it.
The day also needs to balloon in numbers, multiplied many times over
with onlookers pouring into the streets. Spectators taking history into their hands, calling up their friends and sending out text messages: Come Downtown, Drive out the Bush Regime, History is in the making.
-allen lang