By Jim Oberg
Friday, October 28, 2005
On November 2nd, 2005, one year after an election that saw more
‘irregularities’ than any in recent history, I will be leading a march
to the streets to drive out the Bush regime! For me, a 65 year old
retiree, who has believed in the orderly transition of power and
reasoned argument in the public forum, I can tell you that this is a
radical departure from my pattern of support for and trust in our
When our vote is taken away or made meaningless, as has now happened, our reality in America is changed in a fundamental way. No longer can we, the citizens, hold those in government accountable for their actions. That is what has happened in America, I am now certain, after examining the many studies done following this election. We now must face the terrible fact that we are ruled by a regime that claims a mandate to do as they please, when in fact they represent an illegitimate and criminal tyranny over us.
And look what they have done with that unchallenged power: Established torture as a policy of interrogation; instituted concentration camps around the world where those simply accused are sent to languish with no defense or hope of exoneration; illegally invaded a country based on fabricated intelligence, killing many thousands of innocents and turning the entire world community against us; pillaged our treasury and transferred untold wealth to their cronies, supporters and our largest corporations; devastated our environment by removing all protections that guard the very life support system of our planet. The list is long.
We face huge crises in the near future as our oil runs out and global warming crashes down on us. Many feel we have only a decade during which we can face these great dangers squarely and still hope to save ourselves. This regime is wasting our much needed grace period by ignoring and exacerbating these threats.
The World Can’t Wait! We cannot face the challenges of our times until this gang of unchecked zealots who are driving our country over a cliff to its doom are driven from power, and a new direction can be charted for our country and world.
If our votes no longer count, we are left with the one vote that does count, he vote we make with our feet. I implore you, join with me and the many millions in America who see this great threat to our common future, and come into the streets and the town squares on November 2nd across America, and, with one voice, say loudly to these illegitimate leaders in Washington: NO! HIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT! THE WORLD CAN’T WAIT!
Jim Oberg is a retired engineer who intended to spend his golden years with is friends on the golf course. He lives with his wife and two cats in Wilsonville, Oregon, and can be reached at .