In 2005, after Hurricane Katrina, we began getting out a powerful series of “Wanted: The Bush Regime” shirts with the help of (who produced them). The shirts featured mugshots of key Bush Regime officials and bold demands such as “Wanted for Mass Murder – The Bush Regime” and ”Wanted for War Crimes – The Bush Regime.”
Buy “Wanted For Mas Murder” Shirt!
Buy “Wanted For War Crimes” Shirt!
The back of the Wanted for Mass Murder shirt reads:
The Bush regime is wanted for the murder of thousands of people in the New Orleans area. These gangsters:
- Slashed the funds for flood control and environmental preservation that could have saved thousands of lives;
- Trapped at least 100,000 people in New Orleans by refusing to provide them with the means to leave;
- Denied water, food, medical care and other vital necessities to the people they stranded in New Orleans, and rounded them up into modern-day slave ships;
- Ordered the cold-blooded murder of so-called “looters” for desperately trying to provide for peoples’ basic needs;
- Enforced and promoted the most blatant racism.
The Bush regime must be held politically accountable for these unacceptable and unconscionable crimes and driven from office – NOW!
WARNING: This regime is extremely dangerous and must – and can only be – stopped by millions of people taking mass, independent action.
The shirts called out how dangerous such a regime was. They were distributed nationwide and were worn proudly everywhere, by groups of people at May 1st immigrant rights demonstrations and by individuals in acts of defiance at high schools and colleges. At a time when people were watching the devastation from Katrina, mourning the loss of the life, and burning with anger at the Bush Regime’s simultaneous refusal to provide real support and criminalization of people trying to survive in New Orleans, the “Wanted for Mass Murder-The Bush Regime” shirt became very popular as an act of resistance (see photo, above, of one of the members of The Black Eyed Peas).
While retro in the sense that the shirts call for people to participate in driving out the Bush Regime, demanding that the Bush Regime be held accountable still rings painfully true.The world has seen the horror of what happens when war criminals are not brought to justice; how the crimes become codified and somehow forgotten. It is with great excitement that we announce that we recently rediscovered these shirts and are ready to distribute!
Recently while moving Revolution Books NYC to a new location we uncovered hundreds of these powerful shirts and were gifted them. Ten years later, we can all wear the message that yes, the Bush Regime is STILL wanted for war crimes. We can wear a conversation starter about how these crimes weren’t okay then and aren’t okay now. As the 10th anniversary of Katrina approaches, a resurgence of people wearing the shirt and demanding justice will matter a great deal for all those who lost loved ones and suffered at the hands of these criminals. We will not forgive and forget! Get your t-shirt today!
Buy “Wanted for Mass Murder” Shirt
Buy “Wanted for War Crimes” Shirt