About a dozen anti-torture activists marked the 10th year of World Can’t Wait protests at the UC Berkeley Law Commencement on May 15, 2015, distributing hundreds of informational pamphlets and orange ribbons, worn in remembrance and solidarity with torture victims,
especially the 122 survivors suffering continued incarceration at America’s notorious Guantanamo Bay prison camp (no, it’s not closed, and the architects of the state torture program deployed there have yet to receive due punishment). Graduate guests included Guantanamo lawyer Gary Isaac and his family.
World Can’t Wait and other torture protesters have been present outside law school commencements every year since 2006, to denounce the presence of a torturer on the school faculty (John Yoo), and the silence of UC from the top down. We applaud the accomplishment of the graduates, and demand the application of ethical standards that administrators choose to ignore.
Contact the San Francisco Chapter of World Can’t Wait at sfbaycantwait.net.