Photo above by Bud Koritzer.
Thursday, May 28, as protests in 16 cities demanded that the Obama administration release an estimated 2,000 photographs sought by the ACLU, charges re-surfaced that the suppressed photos contradict President Obama’s statement on May 12 that they are "not particularly sensational."
General Antonio Taguba, who investigated the Abu Ghraib torture scandal for the Bush administration in 2004, told The Daily Telegraph on May 28, "These pictures show torture, abuse, rape and every indecency." U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the White House responded with denials that the photos showed rape, prompting further confirmations and details from those who have seen the photos that they include extreme sexual humiliation of detainees.
On Thursday in New York, protesters gathered on 42nd Street, with dozens donning orange jumpsuits, representing detainees in US detention facilities. They walked silently into the hall of Grand Central Station, and up both sides of the west staircase, where they unfurled a banner saying "Release the Torture Photographs" and held photos believed to be part of the 2,000 involved in the controversy. Spontaneous applause went through the crowds of commuters, as thousands of cell phones snapped images.
more photos from May 28 here
"These photos must be released," said Debra Sweet of World Can’t Wait, a leader of the protest. "People in the rest of the world know about what’s in these photos: torture. It’s the people in the United States who have to see the photos and face up to the truth that the U.S. government authorized and orchestrated torture. If we are to stop future presidents from squashing habeas corpus rights as George Bush did; if we’re going to prevent "prolonged" preventive detention, as President Obama is proposing, the people need to raise our voices against these violations of rights in the name of the ‘war on terror.’ We demand an end to the illegitimate occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the killing of civilians, and the use of torture to intimidate the populations."
Similar protests took place in Los Angeles during an Obama appearance on May 27, and on May 28 in Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, Houston, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Honolulu, Fresno, Greensboro NC, Portland OR, and Benton Harbor, Michigan, where George Bush spoke. Video of the protest at Democracy Now. Photos.
Dear Bush Administration hating ppl
so.. i don’t get it.. if your freaking out this much about 2000 photo;s of EVIL MEN who not only want to kill you but your families and friends as well….. if we never went to war in 2001 .. does everyone on this site actually think they wouldn’t be affected by the who knows how many terroists the Bush adminstration has killed to protect you and your loved ones.. why are you mad at the good guys….. i am a combat medic .. in Kanduhar City Afghanistan.. i see and am around these.. animal non God or Allah fearing ppl.. they do what they want… period..
does this site realize that when they catch a NATO force or even USA soldier they will behead them. on video and try and post it… i seriously think tihs site is ran by the Taliban.. or a member close to it. there’s nothing good about htis site.. everything i’ve read has pissed me off….. soemtimes i ask my self… why i am fighting for ppl who don’t want freedom…… DO YOU REALLY WANT TO LIVE IN FEAR? since i’ve been here…. dozens of schools have been burned down.. and i can’t even count how many civilians have been threaten or killed by the taliban .. all b/c they want to live they’re lives… freely.. and let their lil girls go to school or the men to beable to shave their beards….
the civilians .. love us here .. they see we are making a difference.. and a big one at that…..
8% 2.8 millions soldiers protect.. 300millions American Civilians.. don’t you think thats enough.. or do we need to protect the Taliban and others too ….. so they can run freely blowing up buildings and killing who ever they disagree with…….
i personally don’t think the public could not handle the photos or any thing going on in the world involing war.. if you really want to know.. JOIN THE MILITARY and come have a look-ce for yourself…..
movies…. with gore.. SAW, candiman, freddy, jason, etc.. these are just movies….. but when you get to see REAL GORE .. in real life.. you kind of realize…… I DO NOT WANT THIS IN MY AMERICA………
there’s a saying…… that comes to mind
Protestors sleep peacefully at night.. b.c many rough men and women.. go bump in the night killing and serving justice.. to those who are deserving.. of it…..
I hope everyone that is INVOLED WITH THIS WEBSITE sleeps well the next 5 nites b.c i know for a fact i won’t be..
5nighte 6 days me and my team will be out side the wire HUNTING and KILLIng these wild men that want to skin you alive, blow you up, shoot you, decapitate you, and more less send fear and chills not only through your body but your friends and family too.. from you lil children.. to your great grandmothers and grandfathers..
while you work on your next protest and while you try and decided who you want to abuse next.. all while being able to live.. whithout fear a suicide bomber won’t blow up the croud your giving a speech to..b/c we found out about the attack before it happened..
me and my crew.. thanks to THE GREAT PRESIDENT BUSH ADMINISTRATION.. will be pretecting not only those who love and support us . but those who protest us 2……..
and if you have nothing good to say back but useless complaints on how terrorists should be left alone to rome freely
Do not email me back..