The Bush Regime, aided and abetted by Democratic Party leadership, continues to escalate threats of war against Iran. Bush began what an NYU professor said was an “Iran war rollout” with a speech to veterans saying “Iran’s actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. And that is why the United States is rallying friends and allies around the world to isolate the regime, to impose sanctions. We will confront this danger before it is too late”. Beginning with this speech in late August, the threats reached a crescendo during the annual visit of world leaders to the U.N. in late September.
The day after Iranian president Ahmedinijad’s appearance at Columbia University, a full page ad appeared in the New York Times with statements from all the major presidential candidates denouncing Iran and promising they would pursue all means at their disposal against what they describe as the Iranian threat. Last week, Sarah Baxter of the Times of London reported that “The United States Air Force has set up a highly confidential strategic planning group tasked with “fighting the next war” as tensions rise with Iran.” Two U.S. Naval battle groups, with battleships, submarines, and attack aircraft are hovering in waters near Iran. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner announced on September 16 that “the world should brace for war with Iran”.
These ominous and literally earth shaking developments must be met with widespread resistance and opposition. The war being planned by Bush and Cheney, with support from the Democratic leadership and from their international henchmen like Sarkozy in France, is against the interests of the people of Iran, this country, and the entire world. World Can’t Wait’s campaign to Declare it Now! Wear Orange! Drive Out the Bush Regime”! needs to be taken up throughout all society; at major demonstrations and rallies like the one scheduled for October 27, but also everywhere people are – at schools and workplaces, in union halls, in religious gatherings, on subways trains and busses, at busy intersections. We all need to be a living, orange manifesto of resistance and opposition to the criminal war plans being hatched in Washington and fine tuned in the Pentagon. We need to entire world to hear of and take heart from our resistance.
The following articles contain valuable exposure of the ongoing and mounting threats to Iran.
U.S. Ramps Up Threats Against Iran – Revolution, Larry Everest
Iraq Will Have to Wait – truthdig, Scott Ritter
Shifting Targets – The New Yorker, Seymour Hersh