Permitted Rally in Los Angeles Brutally Attacked by Police
On May 1st, tens of thousands of immigrants and supporters of immigrant rights took to the streets across the country. They demanded to be treated with dignity, rather being hunted down, have their homes and workplaces raided, deported with families torn apart, and exploited in the worst jobs.
Since massive immigrant rights protest swept the country a year ago,
the Bush regime has brought some of the most intense repression toward
immigrants, with a dramatic increase in raids and deportations (often
with armed agents sweeping people up in raids all too reminiscent of
1930’s Germany), a wall being built along the border, and an increase
in increased border patrol agents and right-wing vigilantes.
For immigrants to come out and protest in such a repressive climate
shows tremendous courage to fight for a better world, and this is a
lesson everyone who is sitting on the sidelines while the Bush regime
carries out war crimes, torture, and fascistic repression inside the US.
In Los Angeles, protesters at a permitted rally were brutally
attacked by police shooting rubber bullets and swinging billy clubs.
In a rare turn of events, FOX News showed some of the brutality of the
police after their reporter and camera person were brutalized and
forced into their truck (so they couldn’t continue to film. Watch the
video below: hopes to have more coverage of the May 1st protests soon. And we’d like to encourage everyone reading this to find the ways to support immigrants who are right now facing a wave of repression by the Bush regime.