3/22/07: Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, who last year joined protests against Bush’s visit to his city, is now publicly calling for Bush’s impeachment for war crimes. Earlier this month, Anderson testified at the Washington State Congress in favor of an impeachment resolution, and also submitted a 22-page document proving Bush’s guilt of war crimes. The Salt Lake Tribune reported on 3/2/07:
“Never before has there been
such a compelling case for impeachment and removal from office of the
President of the United States,” Anderson told Democratic members of a
Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee, while ticking off
a list of alleged Bush offenses, from violating human rights to undercutting the Constitution to committing “war crimes.”
Then in an interview on CNN earlier this week, Anderson publicly spoke in favor of Bush’s impeachment.
“We think if impeachment were ever justified, this certainly is the
time,” Anderson, a Utah Democrat, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “This
president, by engaging in such incredible abuses of power, breaches of
trust with both the Congress and the American people, and misleading us
into this tragic, unbelievable war, the violation of treaties, either
international or our Constitution — our own domestic law, and then his
role in heinous human rights abuses, I think all of that together calls
for impeachment and certainly would communicate to the rest of the
world that is not who we are as the American people.”
Mayor Anderson also spoke out against the Democratic Party’s refusal to stand up to Bush.
“I think that they have got 2008 clearly in view,” he said. “I
think the Democratic Party, frankly, has been incredibly timid. And I
think that there is a lot of culpability certainly with Congress and
certainly with many of the Democrats in Congress.”