The Bush administration, in its rhetoric and in its actions,
is moving dangerously towards an attack on Iran. Bush and other administration officials claim
that Iran is providing
weapons to insurgents in Iraq,
without ever offering proof. They
hypocritically talk about the threat of Iran
dominating the Middle East (again without offering evidence), when the US
government is already occupying Iraq
and proclaiming its right to attack other countries. And the Bush administration continues to
claim Iran
is well on its way to developing nuclear weapons, and that this will not be
tolerated. Bush, Cheney, and Rice say
that “all options are on the table” in dealing with Iran, and that
includes dropping nuclear bombs.
Not only are they seeking to build public support for an
attack on Iran (in a way all
too reminiscent of the build-up to the Iraq war), but military
preparations are also well along the way.
Two aircraft carrier battle groups have been placed near Iran. Patriot missiles are being moved to countries
surrounding Iran. A naval admiral has been put in charge of the
US military command in the region (which, given there are two ground wars going
on in the region, would only make sense if there are plans for a new war not
fought on the ground). In Iraq, the US military has twice captured
Iranian diplomats. Covert operations by
the US military inside Iran are
already underway. Seymour Hersh reports
in the March 5th issue of The New Yorker that a
Pentagon panel was created to plan a bombing attack on Iran within 24
hours of getting the go-ahead from President Bush.
An attack by the US
on Iran
would have disastrous consequences. Not
only would innocent people in Iran be killed, and perhaps suffer the lasting
consequences of a nuclear bomb, but this would likely give rise to a much
larger conflict in the Middle East and possibly the world. It would only strengthen the dynamic where
people are told to choose between the Bush regime’s unjust war on the world, on
one hand, and Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand.
There is an urgent responsibility of people living in the United States to STOP an attack on Iran. The Bush regime cannot be allowed to bring
about even more destruction to the world and further inflame the Middle East. In
the coming weeks, there must be massive opposition from people in the US, refusing to allow an attack on Iran, demanding an end to the unjust war on Iraq, and
demanding that Bush be impeached for war crimes. To do anything less at this crucial moment will
be to accept and be complicit in the horrors being carried out and future
horrors being planned by the Bush regime.
The following articles provide important insight into what the Bush regime is planning in relation to Iran:
“We must attack Iran before it gets the bomb”, By Toby
Harnden, The Telegraph, 5/17/07
But Who’s Against the Next War? NY Times Magazine article on Democratic ’08 candidates support for war on IranCongressional
Democrats Strip Language Limiting Attack Against Iran From BillThe Redirection by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, 2/25/07
From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq by Craig Unger, Vanity Fair, 3/07
Bald-faced Lies and Bogus Pretexts Revolution newspaper
Bush Is Hiding the Ball on Iran by Robert Parry
Bush Regime “Surges””Toward War With Iran by Larry Everest
Clinton, Edwards and Obama: Strike Iran by Joshua Frank
War on Iran Looms Dangerously on the Horizon
The Next Act by Seymour Hersh
Click here for plans for emergency protest response to any attack on Iran on