Actor Mark Ruffalo speaking October 2, 2006 in NYC’s Cooper Union, at an emergency organizing
meeting held for the Oct. 5 protests to drive out the Bush regime.
Listen: [mp3]
“I don’t want to be up here today but I feel I have
exhausted the way we have been taught to affect change in the way our
government conducts itself”. I have voted, I have called, I have
written letters, I have given of myself with my time and my money, and
still we have a government that refuses to respect the Constitution, a
Government that engaged in a war with illegal justification, a
government that abandoned its own during Hurricane Katrina, a
Government that now condones torture, a government that favors big
corporations before it favors my children or yours. Step down, Mr.
Bush, We are not torturers. Step down Mr. Bush, We are not war
profiteers” We are Americans and we Demand you Step Down.”