By Elaine Brower, 12/28/06
March 19th, 2007 will
mark the 4th anniversary of our invasion of Iraq, a war that was a
pre-emptive strike based on lies to the American people, and the world
by the Bush Regime. It is impossible to imagine that we will mark 4
years of this atrocity even after the anti-war movement has expended so
much money, energy and time in ending this war even before it begun. So
what does that tell you?
The Bush Regime decided a long time
before the events of 9/11 to invade Iraq. The “Project for a New
American Century” clearly delineates the push to remove Saddam Hussein
from power. Our Government took the horrible events and deaths of
innocent people on 9/11 by those dubbed the “evildoers” or “Al-Queda”,
and with that fear, drove this Country into a disgusting mess. George
Bush, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard
Perle and the masterminds of destruction were beating on the war drums
from the moment the chatter started prior to 9/11, we just didn’t know
it. The American people were lulled into complacent sleep mode prior to
that day, and subsequently were jolted into fear mode, never to regain
their power to reason.
On that fear, this Regime has focused for
5 years. Every single anniversary of 9/11, those in power prepare for
photo ops at “Ground Zero”, the site where buildings should now be
standing. However, as a reminder and to keep us fearful, a hole in the
ground remains. You don’t see them in front of the Pentagon, or in the
fields of Pennsylvania. It is not as fearful an image to the American
people. Every year the family members of those killed that day stand up
on a podium in front of that “hole in the ground” and read the names of
those who lost their lives by the Towers’ destruction. Every year every
single media outlet in the Country reminds us of how we should remain
As we reflect upon the last 5 years, we see our
military, the most lethal and well equipped force in the world; descend
upon those “terrorists”. First was Afghanistan; to capture “America’s
Most Wanted”, only to come up short. After enough of that smoke screen,
the Commander-in-Chief decided to attack another sovereign nation to
end “the reign of terror” and get the imaginery weapons of mass
destruction from another of “America’s Most Wanted”, Saddam Hussein. In
both cases, the ruling governments in Afghanistan and Iraq were put
there by the American Government, but I digress.
After 2,000
days of the announcement of “Mission Accomplished”, and after 96% of
all deaths in Iraq are accounted for after that same statement, we plan
for the upcoming anniversary of this invasion. We also mark the grim
reality of 3,000 military deaths over 25,000 wounded, and an appalling
650,000 Iraqi deaths accounted for, and we are still an occupying force
with no end in sight.
Commissions are formed and issue
“reports”; meetings are held to discuss possible game plans to end this
war; our elected officials banter about policy and decisions, and
people keep dying by the 100’s in Iraq every single day. Does anyone
see something wrong with this picture? What strategy meeting does it
take to say bring them home now? Stop the killing of innocent people.
details are as follows, none of our elected officials or anyone in the
White House for that matter, wants a withdrawal of our troops from
Permanent military bases have been established with our
taxpayer dollars, heavy duty equipment, massive weaponry, satellite
connections, computers and networks installed by the thousands,
permanent military structures to house military personnel, countless
restaurants like McDonald’s, Starbucks, Subway, Wendy’s and Quiznos
have been constructed all over the “Green Zone”. Troops have to pay the
same amount if not more for a Mocha Latte as we do. They have pools,
game rooms, movies and actually go for R & R. Will we now admit
that we are there for good? Or do you need further convincing?
profiteers such as, of course, Halliburton, KPR, Exxon, Mobil,
Blackwater, and many others have been given no-bid government contracts
worth billions also thanks to the taxes of the American people.
Mercenaries and private contractors are making 4 times what our men and
women in uniform are, and live in relative luxury, while drilling for
oil. Billions of dollars are being poured into these operations, do you
think anyone in D.C. isn’t getting rich off of this war?
if not all of our politicians are stalling. A smokescreen has been
thrown up in front of the anti-war movement and peace activists by
these same people who are now supposedly representing us. They no more
want to end this war than the Saudi Princes, Jordan’s King, or the
Iranian President. Did we not learn yet that being at the top has its
rewards. Those that are power and greed driven could care less about
the death and destruction beneath them. Just because they walk and talk
and look human, do not mean that they are.
So how do we end this war? Several ingredients, and they don’t include our Congress.
Massive mobilizations in the streets. Yes, we have to get our hands
dirty, and put our butts on the line, no laziness accepted. Cause
disruptions around this Country, end the business as usual days of our
cities. Hard, you better believe it! If you review the history of any
successful movement in our entire existence, it took the masses in
dissent loudly protesting to get what they wanted. Sometimes it turned
ugly; sometimes it was scary; and, there were very dark grim moments.
In this movement, we must ALL join forces and step forward. Not on one
day here or another day there. It means constant struggle, every where,
every day.
(2) Do not trust the politicians and their
promises. You are wasting time. We must find those companies that are
profiting and boycott them. The anti-war movement must direct lots of
energy and massive amounts of people protesting at the headquarters,
subsidiaries and affiliates of all of those companies getting filthy
rich off the dead. Hit them where it counts, in the wallet. Or else,
they will keep making billions. It can be done, and has been done in
the past. Weed out those specific companies and hit them hard. Let the
American people demand that these companies who have been involved in
war profiteering pay reparations to the Iraqi people. As well as
boycotting, once we get their attention, file lawsuits on behalf of all
of those damaged by an illegal occupation. Not so far fetched. If you
can sue McDonald’s for a hot cup of coffee, just imagine what we can do
for Iraqi people and those American families who have been destroyed.
Speak to a soldier. Outreach. Spend time in towns that have military
families and troops. Do you think all of them want to return to Iraq 3
or 4 times? They need support and to be listened to. That is what
ultimately ended the Vietnam War, troop resistance. This Government
made a mistake. They trained our military to operate in small, tight
platoons together “All for one and one for all” mentality. But when
they decide to put their weapons down, it will be the group mentality
that will cause an erosion unit by unit and they will lay down their
arms together. That’s impressive and will make a strong impact. Peace
activists need to recognize this sooner rather than later to be the
support mechanism when this upsurge reaches large proportions. It has
already begun.
Until we in the movement to stop all atrocities
in our name band together not only at rallies, marches, protests,
letter writing, petition signing and every other activity pursued in
our frustration to be heard, get to the basic ingredients of power and
greed driven death and destruction around this planet, we will NEVER
end anything. Those who watch us only laugh all the way to the bank.
Take action — click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers
Anti-war activist, mother of U.S.
Marine currently returned from Fallujah; member of Steering Committee
for the “World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime”