“As a commissioned officer of the US Armed Forces my legal and moral obligation is to the Constitution – not to those who would issue unlawful orders. It is my duty to refuse to fight this illegal war.”
-US Army Lt. Ehren Watada
Come hear Carolyn Ho, mother of Lt. Ehren Watada,
speak out against her son’s upcoming court martial for refusing
deployment to Iraq.
Friday, Dec. 8th, 6pm
Church Center for the United Nations (NYC)
777 UN Plaza (44th St. & 1st Ave.), 2nd floor
have come o realize that my son, in a small part, embodies the hope of
the nation – to end an illegal, immoral war that has brought death and
destruction to over 650,000 Iraqis and Americans…After all, what is
freedom if a man betrays the inner voice of conscience?”
-Carolyn Ho
by Margaret Prescod, KPFK Pacifica radio host with Women of Color in
the Global Women’s Strike, a tour sponsor with GWS and Payday.
Also featuring video clips of Lt. Watada speaking.
Sponsored by: United For Lt. Watada, World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
NYC Lbor Against the War, Peace Action of New York State, Not In Our
Name, Women’s International Brigade for Peace and Freedom, Granny Peace
Brigade, Citizen Soldier
For more info on Lt. Watada, visit http://thankyoult.org/.
This event part of December 8-10th weekend of action in supportof GI Resistance and GI Rights sponsored by CourageToResist.org.