Why Everything the Bush Administration is Doing Is STILL Intolerable and Must Be Stopped
Monday evening, December 4th at George Washington University
A timely forum sponsored by The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime, the Bush Crimes Commission, and the GWU Progressive Student Union featuring speakers:
The electoral defeat of the Republican majority in Congress revealed both the wide spread revulsion against the Bush Administration and the Iraq War . . . and, at the same time, the real danger that this will be quickly repackaged into tactical shifts in how the Iraq War is fought, betraying the people’s desire to end the war.
This is because the foundational elements and direction of the Bush program are either openly promoted, or left unspoken and untouched by the new Democratic Congressional leadership. This includes how it has carried out its whole program under the rubric of the War on Terror, the qualitative changes concerning civil liberties (including legitimizing torture, the Orwellian enemy combatant category, and the beginning elimination of habeas corpus), the abandonment of New Orleans, and the whole theocratic assault on abortion, homosexuality, science, and critical thought.
If ever there was a need for people to really understand deeply – and soon – the reality of the Bush program that we still confront, it is now, when wishful thinking is rampant.
Be part of this urgent discussion Monday evening,
December 4, 7:30 pm
Funger Hall, Room 108, 2201 G Street NW, George Washington University
Metro: Foggy Bottom stop on the Orange and Blue lines
For more information call 202-536-4313
January – March:
100 Teach-Ins Across America:
THE BUSH AGENDA – Understanding it. Stopping It.
Teach-ins being organized by World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime on college campuses across the country this Spring. Click here for more information and to organize teach-ins in your area.