World Can’t Wait is organizing people living in the United States to take responsibility to stop the whole disastrous course led by the Bush administration. We seek to create a political situation where the Bush administration’s program is repudiated, where Bush himself is driven from office, and where the whole direction he has been taking U.S. society is reversed.
We seek to mobilize millions to express their outrage, to speak the truth, to act with urgency and form an organized political resistance. We welcome any individuals and groups who agree that the Bush Regime should be driven out, whatever their political party affiliation or lack thereof. We reach out to people who have been fooled by Bush, and to those who have been most seriously affected by the outrages inflicted by the Bush Regime.
Check out the Call for The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
We drew our inspiration from…
The Not In Our Name Statement of Conscience which we encourage you to read, add your name to, and distribute broadly.
"No election, whether fair or fraudulent, can legitimize criminal wars on foreign countries, torture, the wholesale violation of human rights, and the end of science and reason.""It is our responsibility to stop the Bush regime from carrying out this disastrous course. We believe history will judge us sharply should we fail to act decisively."
Advisory Board:
James Abourezk, former U.S. Senator, South Dakota
Rosemary Candelario, pro-choice activist
Warren Hern MD, Physician and pro-choice activist
Mark Leno, CA State Assembly
Mark Crispin Miller, professor & writer
Tomas Olmos, attorney
Boots Riley, hip hop performer
Lynne Stewart, attorney
Gore Vidal, writer
Sunsara Taylor, writer
Howard Zinn, historian
Cynthia McKinney, former U.S. Congressional Representative, Georgia
National Steering Committee of World Can’t Wait:
Elaine Brower, New York City Samantha Goldman, New York City Emma Kaplan, Seattle Jill McClaughlin, Chicago Dr. Dennis Loo, Los Angeles Prachi Noor, New York City Debra Sweet, New York City Ken Theisen, San Francisco Curt Wechsler, San FranciscoDirector: Debra Sweet
Development Director: Samantha Goldman
Membership & Events: Barbara Zaha
Steering Committee Bios:
Elaine Brower
Elaine Brower is the outspoken mother of a US Marine who served in AfghanistanIraq. She is a leader of The World Can’t Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime and of several other antiwar groups. She has appeared on "Good Morning America," "Fox & Friends," Ashaki TV, NOVA TV, BBC’s "Morning Show," and most recently on "The Montel Williams Show," advocating for the removal of the Bush Regime. She has been featured in numerous New York area newspapers, as well as national radio talk shows, and writes at Op-Ed News. and
Samantha Goldman, Development Director
Samantha has been with World Can’t Wait from the beginning. After organizing for November 2nd at Mount Holyoke College she saw a great need to be at the hub of this much needed movement. She took a semester off and worked as the National Office Manager. In May 2006 she assumed responsibility as Development Director. She is currently a student at New York University.
Dennis Loo
Dennis Loo is an award-winning sociologist, co-editor of Impeach the President: the Case Against Bush and Cheney, Associate Professor of Sociology at Cal Poly Pomona and an honors graduate in Government from Harvard. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He is a former journalist and his research specialties include polling, public policy-making, social movements, and criminology.He can be reached via his blog:
Jill McLaughlin
Jill McLaughlin is an art therapist working in a psychiatric inpatient setting on Chicago’s northside, providing treatment to adults with dual diagnoses. From a young age, Jill was drawn to people and events in history involving issues of social justice and human rights. One memory Jill has is leading a protest in her nieghborhood with 3 others girls demanding women’s rights…particularly that women be allowed to be priests (that whole Catholic thing). She struggled with her sexual orientation in her teen years and eventually freed herself by coming out as a lesbian. From that point she aspired to be an LGBT activist and began that journey as an undergrad and at one point served as co-president of the LGBT student group. Watching the nightmare of the Bush Regime unfold and at the suggestion of a friend and the urging of her conscience she decided to act once again. In July 2006 she found and joined World Can’t Wait, whose Call to drive out the Bush Regime resonated with what she had been thinking and feeling.
Prachi Noor
Prachi Noor was born and brought up in the midst of peasant struggles and women’s movements in rural India. Inspired by the dedication of freedom fighter grandparents of India’s independence movement, she grew up believing that change doesn’t come without a fight. In the United States, she has been active with the anti-police brutality movement and has been at the forefront of the movement to stop the repression of Arab, Muslim and South Asian communities. She has been part of organizations like the Blue Triangle Network and Youth Solidarity Summer.
Debra Sweet, National Director
Debra Sweet is the National Director of World Can’t Wait. Richard Nixon refused to speak to the press for six months after the US invasion of Cambodia. When he finally appeared before the White House press corps, it was to make awards for service and bravery to Young Americans, whom he said were "not out protesting". I was 19. When he handed me the award, I told him that he was responsible for killing millions of people in southeast Asia. He got angry, turned and left the room, making a front page story and international news. Antiwar sentiment had seeped into the Blue Room and was pervading every part of US society – not to mention the world. The Emperor had no clothes, and when someone says that; an Eartha Kitt, a Debra Sweet, a Cindy Sheehan, it can galvanize others to speak and act on the truth. There are millions out there who can take inspiration, and act. The end of the story isn’t written yet…
Click here for a collection of the writings and speeches of Debra Sweet.
Isn’t it lucky that American Soldiers spilled their blood so that you and your friends could spread this facist garbage.
Just as with the Bolshevik revolution of Russian when Lenin was sent to use the proletariat to wage war against the establishment so communism and Stalin could emerge, so communists like Cynthia McKinney, and Gore Vidal are using uninformed young people of this organization to do their dirty work to try and destroy America.
Open your eyes, challenge the dogma tripe you are being spoon-feed, read and question all things, use your mind.
There are evils in this world, and sometimes free people must enter into combat to protect what is held sacred or to free oppressed peoples. We can pretend evil doesn’t exist but it does and you know it.
In the case of Iraq and Afghanistan the free peoples of the world are combating radical Muslims hell bent of killing you and all the peoples of the world who will not convert to their brand of Muslim believes.
Wake up! America and it’s allies want to leave these hell holes and money pits as quick as possible, but not before disassembling Osama Bin Ladin’s Alchida and the Taliban.
The people we are in mortal combat with have made the lives of the people in these countries a living hell, and with democracy and self rule by a freely elected government the people of Iraq and Afghanistan might have a chance at living without fear and oppression.
Do what is right and just, stand up for your countrymen and the people we are trying to set free.
A line must draw somewhere and I for one, would have it drawn in the sand pits where we are now winning against tyranny, rather than fighting here in America. Remember 9/11, the Madrid bombings and untold other attacks by the terrorists. If Alchida is not destroyed now, they will come here to America, as this is their stated plan.
The world has never been a safe place, and hiding as a coward against evil will only allow evil to seek you out while you tremble with fear. Pretending that we can all just get along is naive and ignorant.
By the way we are not stealing anyone’s oil, to the contrary, we pay the Iraq government for every gallon of fuel we use with dollars and the blood of our patriots whom are trying to give the gift of freedom to people who have never tasted it from the beginning of time.
It is now know that during the Vietnam War, communist China was paying the leaders of the anti war movement to cause strife on the streets of America.
I am a Vietnam War veteran who has seen the horrors of war, but I would do it all over again if I could be assured that the Vietnamese people would be free of the yolk of slavery under communism.
Talk to a veteran who has been there and seen in person what tyranny is and what we are doing to free the Iraq’s and Afghans. Soon we will have to challenge Iran, evil never ends, it can only be arrested.
The people whom are leading this communist front organization have never heard the crack of steel reining about them, or held a woman beaten for not covering her head, or stopped the Taliban from throwing acid in a young girls face for attending school, or helped save a nation from tyranny, as they are evil incarnate, and the destroyers and users of men.
So, now that the Bush adminstation is out of office, what are you guys going to do now?
I´ve lived in Latin America. I´ve lived in Europe. The US is a great country to live in. Of course we have our problems…as all countries do. I think many of you are looking for something that doesn´t exist…eutopia…where everything is fair.
Hey SomeChick, glad to have to here.
Two things I wanted to get at here in relation to this…
1. Is “the stars and stripes” really the flag we need? I think that’s the flag that led to this place. The problem isn’t that people are thinking too much about humanity, it’s that they’re thinking in terms of “my country first.” That’s why we’re saying “stop thinking like an American, and start thinking about humanity!”
The US has carried invasion after invasion, and genocide after genocide… where will wrapping movements up in that flag LEAD?
It’s definitely true that Bush was shredding the US constitution. And there definitely is also lot of debate within this movement, about what the solution is, whether it’s everything from the US constitution to making revolution against that very constitution, and I think that’s something that we should really value.
Don’t people in this country have a moral responsibility to stand with the people of the world against the crimes that “their” government is committing? Is this really just about “us?”
When WcW came to my city to hold a protest, I went but I wanted to see what you guys were up to, now after all of the color coded cia “revolutions” across the world im pretty skeptical. The “world” cant wait? Globalism got us in the messes we are in and its not the little guy on the street doing it. I dont want a flag with the globe on it, Im pretty satisfied with the good old stars and stripes even though the founding fathers were somewhat deadbeat and my ancestors came over on a slave ship, im still a nationalist, a strong, armed, informed country is a safe one. The Orange all over this site feels icky sticky, how about you guys start with Codex Alimentarius, The fact that in our country we are legally under the foot of federal reserve notes. I used to be a flaming liberal who was pro-choice but Margret Sanger helped me change my mind, even her “selected writings” make hitler blush- im not right wing now either, left wing/right wing=give the people the bird.
Nobody looks legal where i live so i dunno about that stuff, I do know that you guys prolly mean well but seriously, our constitution could have stopped this undeclared war had the people spoke up, national guard- guarding nations other than this one- and taking the peoples guns when at home- wtf?
the liberals are all truthers now, so do your homework guys and after a nice sit down/pat down we can talk
Flying spaghetti monster bless America
just in case you are athiest
and the fairness doctrine [orwellian aint it?] is stupid, who is gonna enforce it, FREE SPEECH IS FREE SPEECH- DEAL WITH IT!
Only a legitimate civil war waged by an educated citizenry can get you folks where you want to go – sticks and stones right? you won’t win em over with words, try castration